I live in a high cost of living area and still can’t wrap my head around even the original price. That’s nearly my yearly entire salary. What the fuck.
Edit: I meant nearly the entirety of my monthly income per month, so a year of rent would cost about everything I make annually. Before tax.
I thought for a second this was the price to buy, that’s how fucked the market is.
I live in a high cost of living area and still can’t wrap my head around even the original price. That’s nearly my
yearlyentire salary. What the fuck.Edit: I meant nearly the entirety of my monthly income per month, so a year of rent would cost about everything I make annually. Before tax.
You don’t.
I don’t what?
You don’t live in a high cost of living area when your yearly wage is only 10k.
Unless you’re there living in a car or camping on the sidewalk.
It’s a typo, it was supposed to be "entire salary’, as in my total monthly pay.
T=HIS IS RENT!?!?!?!
For a year, right?
That’s about one year’s rent in my city for a two-bedroom apartment