Much has been written about the demise of physical media. Long considered the measure of technological progress in audiovisual and computing fields, the 2000s saw this metric seemingly rendered obs…
While the quality won’t be particularly good, a cheap cassette-to-MP3 converter off Amazon can ensure that the material at least isn’t lost forever. Run the tape through 2-3 times to make sure you get at least one decent copy of everything. Once you’ve got that done, escalate as suggested by solsangraal to get a better transfer.
While the quality won’t be particularly good, a cheap cassette-to-MP3 converter off Amazon can ensure that the material at least isn’t lost forever. Run the tape through 2-3 times to make sure you get at least one decent copy of everything. Once you’ve got that done, escalate as suggested by solsangraal to get a better transfer.