So the wish was I want to ride a horsecock?
My neighbour’s askin’ why I’m limping down the way
And who that fella was who came by yesterday
I quickly turn my face before I start to blush
'Coz frankly there is nothing I can sayIn case anyone’s ears haven’t been blessed by the musical majesty of “No Cock Like Horse Cock”.
Truly a piece to rival Mozart and Wagner.
It’s so stupidly happy sounding and catchy! I find myself humming the tune when I really, really shouldn’t.
the plot chickens
The genie saved you from a lifetime of back pain and the potential of a stroke every time you lose your erection.
You’ve got it backwards: it’s when you HAVE an erection that you give it a stroke…
I don’t have back pain, but I always have the potential for a stroke when I get an erection
Me riding a giant horse cock after the genie misunderstood my wish.
This is… impressive.
Look at my horse, my horse is amazing. Give it a lick.
Great… i have this one now stuck in my head again.
Comes with the territory
This makes the horse-sized chicken/chicken-sized horses thing more interesting.
Damn hard of hearing genies! You think I asked for a tiny, 12 inch pianist?
The genie made no mistake. He knew exactly what he was doing.
This is more useful anyway.
I don’t think this genie misunderstood your request whatsoever…
Or so right.
There’s no cock like horse cock
the giant horse conch weighs over 11 pounds
No, there was no misunderstanding (as long as the thing also has a giant duck penis).
You know, I hear Morrissey rides one of those (CockHorse). Warlock Pinchers. Morrissey rides a cockhorse