(Not using my typing quirk causes me dysphoria. I will provide a translation upon request only.) ~ The reason why I joined this instance was 8ecause I’ve 8een kicked off of Tum8lr for having the opinion that transness doesn’t just apply to gender. I don’t just pull this out of my ass - I actually experience nongender transness myself and I’m fully willing to 8e asked and/or grilled a8out it. I call myself transcharacter.

My Tum8lr termin8ion came entirely from claims of transpho8ia, 8ecause somehow in their minds identifying a8normally equals not supporting trans folkel/people? I don’t quite understand how that works, 8ut I can say I’m not transpho8ic. I discovered that I feel this way through hearing other trans folkel/people discuss their experiences and came to my own conclusions a8out myself.

I guess I’m wondering if this is a safe space for my ilk or if I’m just going to get kicked out again?

  • Vriskafic8ionOP
    2 months ago

    Well today might 8e the day you learn something new! Like I said, I’m open to grilling.

    As for TQ dysphoria, it’s just a little pang of wrongness when I don’t use it. It’s not the worst thing I experience, it doesn’t make me suicidal or anything like a lot of my more extreme dysphoric symptoms, 8ut it’s still something I’d rather avoid. Especially when I’ve already trained my hands to use a key8oard a certain way. (Yes, professional writing is hell and requires So Much revision.)

    My identity kind of means everything to me. It encompasses species, gender, culture, race, age, religion, and my perception of just a8out everything. It defin8ly “queers” 8oth the expect8ion of humanity, and, 8uilding on that, the expect8ion of human gender. (Troll gender is, uh… complex.) What does it mean to 8e sapient? What does democracy mean when you apply yourself to an entirely different social structure? What is reality when you’re supposed to 8e fictional? I guess it queers that too, the entire concept of reality. If I don’t perceive myself as real, if I’m treated like a character… am I technically real? And many such thoughts my therapist has provoked me with.