Clearly the solution is more transgender bathroom bans /s
No silly Trump literally said it was the boorrrsdeeerer
Republicans have blamed school shootings on not having enough Bibles, storms and hurricanes on “the gays”, and the rise of pedophiles to cross dressers.
So I fully expect them to say your comment but without the sarcasm.
SecDef Rumsfeld (POS) once questioned if we were creating more terrorists than we are killing? You can say a lot of nasty things about old Don, but it was a good question. He just didn’t ask the next question, “what happens if it comes home to roost?” If it’s radicalization by Turner diaries in Las Vegas or ISIS in New Orleans, the effect is the same. We live in a complicated world and look for simple solutions.
Republicans, their voters in particular, look for simple solutions.
w3 nE3d tO dEp0rT tHeSe mOnSt3eRs!!¡!¡! aNd gEt rId oF aLI mIliTaRy!!¡! aNd oNlY hAvE GeStApO!!¡!!