“He added that he plans to make changes to moderator policies so users can vote them out. Currently, a higher-ranking moderator — or the company — can boot out moderators. Incidentally, a r/Apple moderator posted on Twitter (via 9to5Mac) that Reddit was threatening to remove moderators who are staging an indefinite blackout.”

  • redcalcium@c.calciumlabs.com
    2 years ago

    Why can’t you finish your projects without Reddit? Not being able to ask for help with your projects might be suck, but it can also be a rewarding experience. For the next few weeks, just try imagine yourself as a COBOL programmer from the past trying to finish a project with nothing but offline manual and no internet connections, or kidnapped Swift developer forced to finish an app in Gulag without access to social media. Who know, maybe you’ll emerge as a different man at the end of the experience.