“He added that he plans to make changes to moderator policies so users can vote them out. Currently, a higher-ranking moderator — or the company — can boot out moderators. Incidentally, a r/Apple moderator posted on Twitter (via 9to5Mac) that Reddit was threatening to remove moderators who are staging an indefinite blackout.”

    • ME5SENGER_24@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      The more u/Spez digs his heels in, the more I dig mine in defiance. Reddit is not a company that can survive without its content and moderation. Those 2 things come in 1 form, it’s users. WE are Reddit. WE have now come to the Fediverse in protest. Now we have 1 of 2 choices: Return to the Snoo, or build a new place.

      Reddit might have IPO plans and a desire to bring in the $$$, but the only thing that mattered on Reddit are and were the PEOPLE! If they can’t wake up and see that, they’ve made the option easy for us

      • MushuChupacabra@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Reddit was a popular street corner where everyone went to set up their soap boxes. You could go there, listen, hang out, or stand on your own soap box. The idea that the owner of the street corner also owns the soap boxes, and that the people standing on them are employees of the street corner is absurd.

        Huffman has made it abundantly clear that he intends to handle the reddit community like he’s the president of the world’s shittiest Home Owners Association. What aspect of that would make anyone want to stay?

        Now that I’ve left, and have easily replaced it with lemmy, with no discernable loss in entertainment value, why would I go back into that dumpster?

        • Blakerboy777@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Same, I’m developing a crippling fediverse addiction right now. Hopefully this drama wraps up soon because I’m using this new platform way too much watching it unfold haha. Maybe in July I’ll only spend a couple of hours a day on here.

      • Plain@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I have really been trying to stay off of Reddit as much as possible since the start of protest day and I have definitely welcome the fediverse as my new home.

        Sure it’s slow, but I’ve found that people here are so insightful and also I’ve been branching out more and commenting so much more out of the general desire to be make something new as well.

        Maybe I’ll go back to my lurker ways after a while; but for now I’m more engaged than Reddit has ever made me in the last 7-8 years I’ve had my account there.

  • Thetrademarq@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Fediverse: Here’s the deal. We’re going give you a new car. For free. And it’s much better than your old car.

    Me: Ok.

    Fediverse: The catch is that you have to watch your old car burn.

    Me: I have to burn it?

    Fediverse: Not exactly.

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    At this point mods should just quit moderating altogether, there were more than 20 thousands participating in the protest, good luck replacing them all.

    Let subs derail and see how investors are happy about what kind of content reddit hosts.

  • MelancholikhPatata@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    what a fucking dumbass… I’m not sure if I’ll ever manage to completely stop searching things up on Reddit since it has an enormous amount of helpful info/posts, but seriously this dude is trying soo hard to make me stay 100% away from it

  • JusticeForPorygon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I really wish subreddits would stay closed. I wanna see this guy actually try to take over the 5000 something subreddits that remained closed after the 48 hours. r/warframe and r/Minecraft are both still private. How does “Huff” Man think he’s gonna take over the official subreddits for two games owned by two of the biggest tech/software companies on the planet?

    • meldroc@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Spez thinks he can replace the mods with a cube farm in Bangalore.

      Three guesses what happens to comment quality when that happens, and the first two don’t count…

  • MudSkipperKisser@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Does spez stand to gain anything from intentionally tanking Reddit right now? None of this makes sense and can he really be this dumb? I’ve been on Reddit 6 years and only went to Apollo when Reddit took away sort options. So they pushed me away with making their app worse and then took away the place I turned to. It’s not like I’m going to go back to a company that seems to be intentionally pushing me away

    • explodingkitchen@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      It “makes sense” if you view Reddit by looking only at the total number of Reddit users and not considering differing levels of engagement. If you’ve got tens of millions of people subscribed to a sub, it’s easy to let your ego take the wheel and say, “Fuck 'em! So what if we lose a million users? We’ve got plenty more!”

      It doesn’t make sense if you realize that the “users” most likely to be alienated by your actions are the moderators and regular contributors whose participation creates the community of that subreddit. You’ve got the mods, who handle the bombthrowers, and the regular contributors who shape the sub in their own way by being mostly on-topic and mostly helpful. They’re often the ones who throw the ball back into the ring before the mods have to step in, and some of them are pretty entertaining, too.

      IMO, Reddit is likely to lose a disproportionate share of mods and power users and spez doesn’t get that. I think he believes all users are fungible, and they’re not. He thinks he can tough this out and things will blow over. He’s wrong. Reddit won’t disappear, any more than Twitter has, but I sure as hell wouldn’t buy stock when the IPO happens. If it happens.

    • zalack@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Voting out mods is a TERRIBLE idea. It means a very active minority can effectively control a large subreddit, and politically oriented / minority spaces are going to have constant campaigns trying to take them over.

      Can you imagine what it’s going to be like moderating TwoX, lgbt, or egg_irl if this change goes through? What a nightmare.

    • slicedcheesegremlin@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Spez has been un-deleting people’s posts, forcibly resubscribing them to large subs that they left, and sending out a warning that says “are you sure you want to post that” anytime you try to post a comment mentioning Kbin or Lemmy. I doubt he would actually give that much choice to users,

  • artisanrox@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Honestly I wonder if US businesses are pushing to purposely ffffk up Reddit like this due to it being a tool for organizing and protesting anti-capitalist/CEOfascist interests. 🤔🤔🤔

    • pgetsos@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      When the only viable option is a network they have zero input on, I doubt it even makes sense tbh

      • artisanrox@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        But it’s interesting that spez blamed it all on “BUSINESSES” that are getting free service. if Elno is his CEO role model I’m going to assume he’s familiar with the method of saying what you mean to say while saying something else. What “businesses”? He never really specificed so I don’t think this is a “”“”““business””“”“”“”" freeloading problem.

        it’s like he wants to turn Reddit into the GenX Facebook because he’s counting on people just not caring to/not being able to figure out the Fediverse.

        just thaenkin. 🤔

        • themoonisacheese@sh.itjust.works
          1 year ago

          He’s mad that a large part of the training corpus for LLMs (incl chatGPT) is just reddit posts and their comments, and that he saw 0 money of it.

          Of course, LLM training data only needs to be pulled once and heavily compressed, a way of downloading reddit used to offer where you’d just get a large zip file with all of reddit until now, for free. They’re retiring this, which means that the guys making the datasets will either stop (not a good thing, reddit is too nice of a data source) or start scraping the website, which generates additional costs for reddit for 0 reason.

          Basically spez is pretending this one-time heavily optimized download is costing him billions, so he takes it out on 3rd party apps instead, because it’s too late to go after openAI, since they already got their copy.

  • vvv@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I bet sooner after r/Apple will be literally about apples, subreddits have started doing this after they got forcefully reopened

  • Semmelstulle@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    For me this is a tricky situation. I really love building Software with SwiftUI but the Apple bubble tends to stick to Twitter and Reddit.

    Currently there is not enough critical mass of Swift developers migrating here. A lot of them are on Mastodon, but chats and blogs are super crappy when asking for help (looking at you, Discord!).

    I really hope this will change because right now both my projects are on halt because I’m not getting anywhere on Mastodon and I still do my personal Reddit blackout.

    • redcalcium@c.calciumlabs.com
      1 year ago

      Why can’t you finish your projects without Reddit? Not being able to ask for help with your projects might be suck, but it can also be a rewarding experience. For the next few weeks, just try imagine yourself as a COBOL programmer from the past trying to finish a project with nothing but offline manual and no internet connections, or kidnapped Swift developer forced to finish an app in Gulag without access to social media. Who know, maybe you’ll emerge as a different man at the end of the experience.