Cool 😎
19 hours of sunshine, 0-10 degrees Celsius, windy as fuck, and you better apply the strongest sunscreen you can get 3x a day or you’ll regret it.
We’re experiencing a couple of hours of twilight at midday at the moment but otherwise darkness. No aurora either because it’s been mostly cloudy since the beginning of polar night. Also it’s been raining on and off, which is not a good sign.
At my current location, I’d expect it to be an error, since I’m about 1500 miles away from the nearest worthwhile target (Chilean Antartica Region).
Maybe you’re more important than you give yourself credit for.
In that case, the only immediately available shelter that would have any effect at all is the sweet embrace of a bottle of gin.
Take comfort in the knowledge that somebody out there with launch authority is thinking of you. Immolation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Please send penguin pics or else you’ll be wishing for a ballistic missile
Penguin tax:
My babies ❤️
LOVE this!!! Do you have rock hoppers or macaroni penguins near you? Love those two species.
No, only Magellan Penguins.
But they’re cute as hell!
awww cuty pingwy
Whaaaat. Is this even allowed!?
What are you gonna do, call the seals? (Please don’t)
Remember that sailor you won that hand of poker against? The one who stalked away mad? Well he has a brother in the missile command…
Cool! how is the Antarctic? I live in the Arctic.
Cool 😎
19 hours of sunshine, 0-10 degrees Celsius, windy as fuck, and you better apply the strongest sunscreen you can get 3x a day or you’ll regret it.
We’re experiencing a couple of hours of twilight at midday at the moment but otherwise darkness. No aurora either because it’s been mostly cloudy since the beginning of polar night. Also it’s been raining on and off, which is not a good sign.
Those penguins have it coming.
nooo 😭