Just a sampling. Almost the whole feed was here’s a broken water main, I need a free housecleaner or CNA, here’s my lawn mowing service, and then these types of posts…
WHY ARE THERE POLICE AT [nearby intersection]
DOES ANYONE RECOGNIZE THIS [black dude literally just walking on the sidewalk]
DOES ANYONE WANT A [23 year old cat]
Wow. It’s like you are talking about my neighborhood.
My feed is 60% lost dogs and cats (it boggles my mind how many) 20% “my package is lost but here is a shitty picture of the porch it was delivered too” 10% is Karen’s bitching about nothing and the last 10% people who don’t know how to Google something.
ISO 9002, I know what I’ve got.
Utter insanity…
An S10 with a clean title? It’s a good thing they only want the comically impossible.
What does a clean title mean?
No money is owed to a bank for it, not stolen, etc. basically that it is legally and rightfully owned by the seller.
Also never marked as a total loss by an insurance company, no flood damage, no questions about accurate mileage, etc.
I profoundly hate nextdoor. I think I would have to live in a Richard Scarry book to be able to browse it without contemplating arson.
Or the ding dong ditch kids. My god the amounts of threats that they will shoot any body trying it is insane in my area.
Also you would think it’s ww3 by the reports of “gun shots”.
I never once found any useful information on Nextdoor, so I ended up just leaving.
I joined because I was trying to find the owner of some lost dogs. The rest has been… this.
ISO glad it worked out for you.