My wife says every family has this drawer. I do not believe every family has this drawer. Do you have this drawer? Do you know a good solution to this drawer?
We have a silverware drawer, organized, maxed out. A sharps drawer, organized, maxed out. Ziplocs, organized, maxed out. Bbq tools and oven mitts, organized, maxed out. But all this shit has no particular category so fuck me right. I gotta have an awkward necessary crap drawer. Maybe I should post all my drawers and crowdsource me some sense into my kitchen.
Remove the scale, electronics don’t belong in the misc food prep and niche baking implements drawer. Once you do that you’ll easily recognize it as the food prep and niche baking implements drawer. The scale goes on a shelf, or in a cabinet next to the mixer/food proc/salad spinner.
Scale goes right next to the flour in a cabinet.
You’re the worst kind of human. Flour should be haphazardly measured using volume and feelings and a “good enough” mentality.
Clearly you’ve never had to bake for a gluten intolerant spouse with several other dietary restrictions
Call me Heisenberg, cause at this point I’m a goddamned chemist
It really is fundamentally different. With wheat flour you add water and develop gluten by hand until it feels good enough. Then you let the yeast work until it’s big enough. It doesn’t really matter what you put into regular bread because there’s just so many ways to fix it along the way.
Every once in a while I’ll just make something for me, and it’s so easy. GF baking is a pain, but i love my wife, so there it is
lol flour is the only thing I care enough to weigh. Volume is just so insanely inconsistent.
I’ll be your pinkman!
Actually would be entertaining to learn GF, especially with that kind of motivator.
You. I like you.
yes. whether i asked my mom for one of her recipes she would readily tell me the ingredients… but whenever i asked how much of the thing to put she would get really confused. like, about 🤏 this much…
I explain the same thing in several different ways ad nauseum because experiential intuition can’t be shared with spoken language yet i try anyways.
I like having the right ratio of flour to salt, so my bread doesnt have that awful paste-y flour taste.
Ehhh ok even my most chaotic breads have been good as long as the yeast takes. I don’t know about a paste-y taste unless the yeast fails.
Ever accidentally made bread without salt? That flavor.
We have the scale on the top at hand all time and use it for everything. Is pretty good for measuring water.
I keep my scale in the cocaine room.
Using a single precision gram scale for cocaine seems wild but then again what do i know…
That’s only an issue if you’re weighing single digit grams.
Using a sub-gram scale to measure flour seems a bit … Uhhh