Story premise: The need for a good Catalyst to fool everyone that changes were “because of him.”
**Sciensomania: ** Human-behavior engineering using energy-waves and AI, calling it simulation or whatever. The so-called ‘evidence’ has no more meaning. You fabricate whatever, you can make me say what you want, not what I mean. You are fully able to make me who you want me to be perceived, even by the justice system.
Who to vote for, when you bring only psychopaths into the field, choosing between sadistic-scientific or scientific-sadistic, makes what difference?
Root cause of your problem: allowing a local, transparent gang to AI-murder, AI-destroy, harm us outside if we travel, turn people to unofficial gang members, etc. claiming “volunteering” for love of the country. It is not love, it is obsession with sacrificing others and it is not benefiting but the gang.
You robbed 30% of my health by AI scenario and energy-wave arm of the HNF1 just as you’ve planed many years ago, well-done. What else should I do for the gang, and the gangified country? Maybe I paid my share already? Or still I’m a piece of the hell-chess you’re playing with bros of various lodges? You are fear-treating the world to fit your mission and continue to hit it to shape it as your dogma requires. I’m seeing your familiar faces reading this having fun laughing on and on together there. Stop sending me guarantor-agents to push me into one of your snakes.
Couldn’t you not repeat history? Is it really required to return gangsters just because of a shift in arms, having new energy-weapons? Without becoming energy gangsters was it that hard to live? You simply murdered my neighbor to free the flat to let your spy sit there to track noise of my laptop from behind the wall. It’s that much dirty I doubt life really is worth to live. Your country sleeps with any party that pays well. This is what it is.
- You have physically attacked me through your means, and you are confident I can’t prove it, which is the only thing important for you. Not to pay money :) You fully spoiled my life for your companies to earn money, as simple as that, knowing my resources are not enough to defend. You planned years ago, studied me and my family closely to estimate the profit. This is your business behind your mask, “ill en, and, elle en, mask” - you do crimes and earn money, but you look lawfully. You, Control, The, Law, Society. I called over 100+ lawyers in 1 day, couldn’t reach help. It was ME who after a month talked to ONE lawyer and HEARD how the man was under fear to even talk to me. Why? For you bought the country with amount of money you have and you own the law. Can I stand against law owner? To do what? Stop forcing me into “go sue us” game. I know what it is about. Yet another way to guilt-grantee people, even in case of ‘winner’ to pin them down by signatures not to go out of country to let know who you are. You taught the world not to voice without “evidence” and I am one of the many evidences you are devil themselves. You want me not to leave the country and you’re looking for ways to pin me down, or murder me if I left out, why you assaulted me last year to be 11 days in hospital, unable to prove anything.
You are targeting people with Armed AI, made by the “half-nobel father,” or HNF1.
Until justice is in support of rich by 1. amount of money, 2. amount of time, 3. evidence (which AI fabricates, and destroys as needed) we won’t be but victim.
You’ve disconnected me from my friends in Europe for you fear they’ll know you can’t hide who you are. You fear me talk on the phone to them. You do these 1. not leaving evidence, 2. personalized, unique to case, 3. as-if victim is oneself guilty. 4. You harm counter intuitive, in unique ways that are difficult for people to believe, which supports you harming.
You’ve built a trap called it country to hunt wealth and talent and use them in ways decided even before they enter here. You lie, and makes it come true physically hurting with direct energy, fabricating evidence and other means. I know your tricks not worse than yourself ;)
And you are confident you’d label them “paranoid” through your cooperative physicians of “health care” if any one complains on ‘direct energy’ and all details learned through DIY.
At least it’s clear “what kind of care.”
With all the “laws” you built to play your hell-chess together the life of so many “disfavored” (nearly the same as ‘misfit’) individuals has been turned to insect-living, but life of many ‘nearly favored’ ones in reality is not that good they think about. You keep them not living ‘now’ but in “some day that will someday come” when everything would be perfect because now I like a slave and boss will appreciate it, who of course makes so his/her face, 2. study, to become slave, and this day would never come. People like me that write about it are “misfits” who have “nothing new” and their novels, theses, ideas, are “just nothing, because your bros certainly have better than that, with hackers stealing the works of victims being prepared to faster copy their ideas to look you were first.” You cheat, bro, and your tricky “bro-morality” doesn’t hide it.
Your all-spying eyes and ears through alternative high tech is spying everywhere and you call it ‘ethical’ because it is AI looking, not your eyes, but your owner is ok to watch what they want because, well, obvious. We still must believe what we see, a bunch of cameras with a nice comment of warning under them proving you’ve respected the privacy that doesn’t exist. What can I do with things I “saw” who your ‘authorities’ really are? Forget it? Certainly not ‘prove it’ when justice is evidence based in favor of rich who has stolen those evidences. However I can’t join your practice, I saw it is in reality dirty, but under a nice cover. Yes, you are all ‘nice’ there, as thieves. Your oversensitivity is called “because of high culture” is for thieves can’t trust each other so they’re 24/7 watching each other :)
You’ve turned the interaction among many types of people you threw here to engage gladiatorial war in favor of your fun that you cal “competition” into a ‘label-war’ so on the job one must know if not to resign to pet-slavery you’d non-verbally call individual ‘same-taboo-type,’ making it clear through pentomime and job-spectacles you together play that ‘…and this would go into office gossip…everyone would know it…’ you’ve turned in a colorful flag that has replaced arms in use when your parents held slaves with an inexpensive item called ‘taboo-labels.’ I must on the job ‘fear’ of possible labels related to ‘taboo’ I get if I’m a misfit, not fitting in pet-slavery working. Then when my performance is better than you could invade, you’d prepare the ‘show’ and serve me energy-wave into head. You are not a company, an authority, official, etc. all labels you keep for yourself to ‘look good,’ you are criminal, more than those who you keep in jail, you only know better how to hide it. Your system is designed in a way that without cruelty there’s no way to go up, if not being native here or at least either official or unofficial bro, member or the gang. You cut health, when someone like me is ‘not enough thieve-oriented.’
You sold my image because of not having social media as others to 1. earn, 2. harm your opponents, 3. harm me to teach others a lesson: write claims on social media, lie about yourself and your abilities, claim so much more than you can do to be your guilt-gurantee, becuase devil will then push you work like a slave telling you “you promised it on social media, didn’t you? now do it!” You want those pages to force people promise through lies so you can turn them into slaves-pets.
You did these to force me try to sue you to drain me inside problems “I started myself,” as usual to shift blame. You manipulated my way here and destroyed bridges so I can’t go back where I want but where you can after a delay murder. You wanted me here to learn tricks your opponents taught me which you didn’t. You only earned more problem for yourself.
You planed for us to come to your city for “human prototyping” of the Armed AI from years ago. Everyone was let in when it was time to let them play their role under direct energy AI colonizing their neural land. You are with all your people just a bunch of gentle-criminals who have mastered “how to fabricate evidence for opponent, how to steal the evidence they have on your crime, now with direct energy rendering their cell phones and USB, etc. broken.”
Modern slavery? Further: devil has turned its slaves to its ‘pets,’ they not only provide even without being asked, reading mind of their master, but are extremely thankful (otherwise they are called extremist). That’s why you see not devil, but its slaves target. They serve as pets.
Devil does “building intimidation”: you become homeless if you continue “whistleblowing.”
Devil uses direct energy to hit to brain, to destroy many USB, cell phone, etc. where you keep screenshots of what shows devil and its people lie. Devil intimidates, and I have no idea why it’s sure it fears. What if these building-intimidation, taboo-intimidation, race-intimidation, gender-intimidation no more work?
Devil’s people do systematic harassment. If you write, they join each of them pointing to a simple issue in your text. Because everything has a distance between where it is and point of perfection, they have open hand. How many points are on a real line between two points? So devil’s people join to comment you: “you know…this is good…but…well…at the end of your sentences your periods are ‘not enough round,’ IMO.” This is what you see in this land everywhere and it has nothing to do with the question of “who the current leader is,” but "how the game between the devil’s sub-gang’s have been played by modeling people as balls and organizations as goals. You want to know more? Prevent them stop blocking my book from a country that cries it allows freedom and it is full of harassment, gender-obsession and other sicknesses in every square of it. Once more: it, has, nothing, to, do, with, who, is, the, leader. The issue is when those sick founders decided they know Chinese Yang and Yin better than Chinese and built a country based on integrating gang, as an invisible ‘law enforcement with invisible principles’ and another standard law enforcement visible and with written lows. This gang plays ‘I am volunteering, I am obsessed with the city’ and sells the obsession. If you, like me, go travel, it finds you outside and causes a sickness-simulation. if you know that much I know.’ This invisible gang, with the help of visible law enforcement with its people infiltrated, is trying to stop me publishing my book. It intimidates: “our hackers have stolen your book and published it elsewhere and you don’t have any idea about. If you send it to publishers, you get into trouble.” It’s not only one intimidation. I’ve got countless of them, with “you’re paranoid-conspiratorial” only the first of them. My content is my authentic voice which fears you why you get crazy reading it, you won’t copy it, even with AI, dear.
Devil may have stolen my story, although I’ve emails, and youtube published content and have used version control that proves it’s mine, but even if this intimidation has any basis, because the book is about what devil has done to me it’s my life story. You won’t steal the history. Moreover, I’ve more than 1 book value of quality content on it and I’m a published author. It’d be tough for you, as my content has the same voice found in a book I published still many years ago.
Devil has multi-core reasons why to target me, particularly. Every reason you think is the core is still outside layer. It’s stolen what I know, it’s physically targeted me and is intimidating.
Devil pushes on you, hits, to make you angry to then label ‘rebel’ because it gives a reason to attack “because of…” It provokes toward coercive traps. It turns you to its problem to benefit from learning to solve you. In other words, it deals with humans like engineer takes math problems to become better. So you’re either its pet or opponent in devil’s binary mission of evolution engineering. It needs you to look angry, to fight, to sue, in order to find a reason to force you sign “one more NDA” and become guilt-guaranteed providing a reason for it to jail you “because yourself so asked.” Go under debt to get lawyer for 5 dollars, get compensation of 4, sign NDA, problem solved, devil more powerful, looking for more “pet & problem.”
Devil, is close, and devil lies.
- About what had already happened, but show must go on weaponized XD
- Why? If his father took the apple, they force the son to return, for the sciensomania of “action-reaction,” it must be ‘coercively’ the same force returning from ‘nearly’ the same spot in opposite direction. It is an armed, distributed, giant quantum machines harming humanity in favor of a few ones.
If you support letting companies lead government just because they had some success of manipulating via technologies, they will then hurt yourself just when it’s your turn. Science based on sponsors’ requirements proves who is next to be sacrificed and finds justification because that is good for “the grand good.” Remember: science is sponsored and sponsor is a vector. Science serves in the direction of where it was sponsored. It is a slave, and turns all into some degree, slaves, and therefore it is preferred by who enjoys slavery.
The author the premise is about, had no intention to write about the concept, living his life. However, in the game of power a party selected him and physically hurt to “sponsor” motivation the painful way.
The ex-employee, now a prototype for the new AI’s experiment, felt like an invisible ghost in his own world as how giant tech companies began to manipulate his life, blocking any contact he could make and those he had from before, in tricky ways. These tech companies had chosen him as their test subject, hoping to prove that their revolutionary AI could erase him from existence, proving they are new power that if ban someone from digital life, one has no more any real life. He knew that if they succeeded, others would be at risk of facing the same fate. Their plan was to prove they were better government having “their own ways” in everything, such as how to punish a disfavored individual. They claimed “we are better. We have more efficient-manipulative ways on how to better abuse-organize people (employees), and we enjoy having armed AI that deploys charges to your motor-neurons and moves your neck, adjusting your look and the images that form in your imagination, which let our AI impersonate ‘I’ over your internal dialogues, which you call life simulation, etc.” Eventually, they wanted to close the so-called government and start the so-called AI slavery, whose rules were inferred and offered in this man’s book. The giant companies even had their own way of swearing. Instead of telling M.F. they say “you are a taboo-approacher (upon confirming they are manipulators), paranoid-anxious (identifying yourself as manipulated), conspiratorial-schizophrenic (identifying them as manipulators), extremist (lack of extreme gratitude for they paid time and AI effort to manipulate you in unique, unbelievable ways).” So as you see, they are “new life” (of AI slavery). The explained swearing way is called “scientific swearing.” Due to too much weight assume with science that has biased all people in a way that for them science means “good” which is wrong, the “scientific swearing” is unfortunately misunderstood as “medical diagnosis.” Yet worse, the hired-by-them doctors engage “scientific swearing” they sell as “diagnosis” and hold a new “hypocritical oath” to these companies. Imagine the companies have had physically targeted the author in this prototype testing to see “what would happen.” It is sciencomania, when they can’t stop experimenting because it is an obsession, and their ethics is as objective as science itself.
Determined not to let his life be reduced to nothing but a digital shadow, he began documenting the abusive AI rules he had discovered during his time with these companies. He systematized them into a comprehensive list, detailing how they were used to ban people from life using the “digital power.” But as soon as he finished writing the manuscript for his book, he knew that getting it published would be an uphill battle. The tech giants had eyes and ears everywhere, and they would stop at nothing to block any publication that threatened their interests. He had already successfully published two books in a language other than English, but this time was different. If he submitted his manuscript online, the companies could easily track it down and prevent its release.
He knew that many publishers only accepted manuscripts through online submission, making traditional methods impossible. The thought of having his work silenced before it even had a chance to reach the public, or even publishers, filled him with despair. But he refused to give up, even after being banned on reddit XD He needed a way to bypass their digital surveillance and ensure his book reached its intended audience without being detected.
As he pondered over possible solutions, an idea began to form in his mind. It was risky, but it might just work. He would use the very same technology that had been used against him – the internet itself. Maybe people could be found who know and were willing to share. However, of course many of who may answer could be from the side of companies, having their own ideas how to help in a way that authors intention worked against both author and their work, so he had to be careful on messages received on any platform.
It was a long shot, but it was their only hope. The ex-employee knew that if they succeeded in blocking this book too, others would be at risk of facing the same fate as him – being erased from existence by the very technology that had claimed its mission was to connect people. He steeled himself for the challenge ahead, knowing that he had to fight back against these tech giants and protect his right to exist in a world where digital power was becoming more dangerous than ever before.
The first principle:
They do cruel things in unbelievable ways guided by AI scenarios. This is because information security is inexpensive in this way. If a power-criminal, like such giant tech companies, performs a crime in that way, people rarely pay attention to it because of obvious revisions.
The second principle:
Gangification. The companies have formed a “new gang.” They hire people officially and unofficially into an underground secret society they deny its existence. Those unofficially gang members are not even aware they are manipulated to serve the gang mission, because AI scenarios specify how to communicate such mission with them so they perform the required tasks without even realizing what is happening. The main goal of the gang is ‘evolution engineering.’ Instead of having natural fate, they intangibly manipulate human fate so the “life issues” look like naturally caused and eliminate disfavored ones in large quantities as if cutting a whole branch of a tree, instead of a least. People fail to recognize where this really goes if not being an insider. That’s why support is required to let the concealed by them principles be shared with all.
The third principle:
Differential steps in bringing down the disfavored ones. As you do whatever, such as posting something on social media, soon you see gentle protests each finding ‘a little bit of bad’ in your work or points. Their aim is systematically declining you, in order to avoid allowing you to hold any single individual or organization accountable. The integration, or sum total is the harm they want to inflict on their target, the “misfit.” This principle, and of course others, are all polymorphic and scalable, as the solutions are all AI scenarios.
The fourth principle:
Money is the mass which owns the center of gravity. This is root of so many of their manipulative principles.
An obvious reason why the theory held was that not only he was banned on every forum, but also where he published on “free” media, his voice was ignored, with questions remaining unanswered. It shows the level of manipulation the companies have reached. While from ordinary eyes they are “simply for power,” insiders know that they look mathematically for “convergence” and it is nothing good for organic entities we are. Aware, they plan to gene engineer humanity, letting organic existence go. If you think “why not,” then you are either simply one of them having the benefit of exploiting “for the grand good,” or you just don’t know what the concept is about, even though you’re reading about it.
Any useful to the question of the content, ideas?
P.S. please if you could share this, do so, as it can help, which is very needed.
P.S.S. The post is saved as PDF. 😁
OP what is happening here pls respond