Because on lemmy a post getting 100 up votes is enough to end up somewhere high on all, so your seeing people from outside of the Linux community in here.
Hiya, intending to switch from Windows to Linux (it looks like I’ll finally be pulling the proverbial trigger this holiday season!) but I got here via Local sorted by Active on I am not subbed to Linux.
In other words, people outside the target audience are getting exposed to this post.
I don’t see why. You can be interested in Linux and like some aspects of it but still get annoyed at the blinkered zealots claiming that there’s no reason to use Windows.
Why is this thread getting flooded with people saying how they can’t use Linux? Isn’t that a little odd coming from a Linux community?
Because on lemmy a post getting 100 up votes is enough to end up somewhere high on all, so your seeing people from outside of the Linux community in here.
That’s why I’m here, front page.
I would say “people don’t see the community a post is in before commenting?” But of course they don’t. :'(
Because people are mad any time someone suggests they could change anything about themselves. It’s pretty sad.
But this is a Linux community
Lemmy is still a small place with a lot of Linux users, so this likely shows up in several people’s /all
I understand. I agree with you. Just commenting on how personally people take things and how stubborn they are
Hiya, intending to switch from Windows to Linux (it looks like I’ll finally be pulling the proverbial trigger this holiday season!) but I got here via Local sorted by Active on I am not subbed to Linux.
In other words, people outside the target audience are getting exposed to this post.
I don’t see why. You can be interested in Linux and like some aspects of it but still get annoyed at the blinkered zealots claiming that there’s no reason to use Windows.
There is no reason for some people to use Windows
Definitely true for a minority. Not the way most of these articles are presented though (including this one).
I never had a reason to use Windows outside of job requirements. If I bothered I could find a job without such requierements.
Lemmy is weird and this showed up on my ‘all’ page yesterday and again today. So that’s where you’re probably getting those comments (and mine!)
But I’ve been using Linux servers long enough and switching to Linux for my workstation once i finish getting parts for a new build
Ignore the trolls