I was kicked out of rentals multiple times for being visibly queer. I was scared out of some more by people who even moved after me, but made my life a living hell just for being queer. I was driven into near daily crying during highschool by my peers and sometimes even teachers. I was regularly spat on in public with no reaction from other people. I had a car full of tank top wearing men stop with the intention of beating me up when I was in middle school because they thought I looked too much like a “f*g”. To see people, some of whom apparently so privileged they don’t even experience systematic queerphobia as per own admission, claim us here aren’t queer is so hurtful because it feels like it dismisses my entire lifetime of queer pain. Sincere fuck you to the people who make those claims. Maybe you are the one who isn’t even queer and just sows discord amogus. trans-uno amogus

  • AcidSmiley [she/her]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    The entire “how can you have that many different pronouns” discourse is by far the dumbest thing i’ve seen since the start of our federation, and it isn’t just painfully cringe and ignorant and a clear sign that these people lack any and all experience with queer spaces unless you count r/196 and the trans category on pornhub, it is simply outright, open transphobia to deny peoples’ gender identity. That’s the very core of transphobic sentiment, to deny us our right to gendered self determination.

    It’s sad to see these reactionaries have now also extended their attacks to other parts of the queer community, but it isn’t surprising. These people always start with what they perceive to be the easy targets, but it’s part and parcel of reactionary persecution campaigns to expand the outgropups they go after. This, besides the moral imperative of solidarity, is the strategic reasoning behind “an injury to one of us is an injury to all of us.”

    We cannot tolerate such attacks on our queer comrades anywhere on lemmy. The perpetrators should be hunted down wherever we find them, and we should make it a cross-instance effort to make lemmy a safer space for queer people, and an extremely unsafe space for queerphobes of all kind. I propose that federated instances share blocklists of queerphobic users so that eventual bans can be extended to other instances preemptively. In a day and age were our community faces the worst attacks since the AIDS pandemic, we must look out for and protect each other.