I mean like people like parents/siblings/spouses/significant others/kids/roomates/housemates…

I mean, I have paranoia about other things too (such as germaphobia/mysophobia), but specifically on this issue of people snooping, is amongst one of my top fears, and I’m just curious if other have this similar fear/paranoia.

Like every time I wake up, I wonder if my parents or brother put some malware/spyware on my phone because they think its a funny prank or whatever.

Every time I enter my PIN for my phone, I always cover the screen before entering it in case my parents have cameras in the house. And even more so in public, I’d fear CCTV getting my PIN.

[No, I have not been diagnosed with schizophrenia, I don’t hallucinate or anything like that. (But I do have a diagnosis of depression.)]

[This is distinct from the common fears of government surveillance or whatever. That, strangely enough, I fear much less, since I’m just one in hundreds of millions of people that they would care about, so I’m not so worried about that.]

  • Theo@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    No, but I would invite the idea. If someone would be THAT interested, I would gladly show them all the fckd up shit I look up and create. If they did it w/o my consent, lol for them.

    Rule 12 applies in all aspects of life; not just on the Internet.

    If I ever paid for a will, I have this idea that I would want all the contents of my devices, and my search history published, and a QR code put on my gravestone. But I would imagine it wouldn’t be any more unique than most others.

    • Acamon@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      No, but I would invite the idea. If someone would be THAT interested, I would gladly show them all the fckd up shit I look up and create. If they did it w/o my consent, lol for them.

      I think this is an important part of it. There’s a level of discretion that is about polite social boundaries. If someone walks into my room when I’m naked I’d cover myself up, but it’s as much because I assume they don’t want to see me naked as it is to ‘protect my modesty’. I hide NSFW content on my devices because I don’t want a friend or family member to accidentally come across something. If they really want to know about stuff like that and poke about, then sure, go for it weirdo. I think the act of prying is more embarrassing than the ‘private’ stuff it uncovers.

      • Theo@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I have to quick blur NSFW on here when I go in public, so as to not have awkward glaring duels with strangers such as the ones that might be behind me on the bus. But in a casual setting where I have a social opportunity I just leave the Lemmy nudes on my feed unobscured. Someone goes, wtf you lookin’’ at and I am like: I don’t dictate nor direct the feeds, they direct me lol.

        When I was a teen in summer camp, the girls once spied on us in the shower. We knew but they didn’t know we knew, so we put on a show. We teased them about it more than they did that year. Lol. It’s usually the other way around in movies.