It’s called oat milk because it’s a nut-based beverage deliberately designed to mimic many of the properties and uses of actual cow’s milk. It’s not like oat milk is literally just juice pressed from oats. There are a whole series of steps, added ingredients, and chemical processes meant to make the resulting product as interchangeable for cow’s milk as possible.
It’s used in the same way for the same recipes. Yes, production-wise it doesn’t have much to do with animal milk, but culinarily it’s similar. Do you feel as strongly about the fact the “vegetables” as a grouping doesn’t make any biological or production sense either?
Then do not compare that to milk. First guy used the comparison.
Damn, guess we all have to stop calling it peanut butter then 🙄
I unironically agree.
It’s called oat milk because it’s a nut-based beverage deliberately designed to mimic many of the properties and uses of actual cow’s milk. It’s not like oat milk is literally just juice pressed from oats. There are a whole series of steps, added ingredients, and chemical processes meant to make the resulting product as interchangeable for cow’s milk as possible.
It’s used in the same way for the same recipes. Yes, production-wise it doesn’t have much to do with animal milk, but culinarily it’s similar. Do you feel as strongly about the fact the “vegetables” as a grouping doesn’t make any biological or production sense either?