Here is all the Stuff I printed with my new P1S thus far!

Since im here, I’ll need a bit of advice/guidance tho… For one, sometimes the nozzle doesn’t clean itself properly and flings its poop on the bed. From what I read I can put an A1 Nozzle Wiper somewhere to insure it cleans better?

And for the bigger, what I asume to be Issue, even when it wipes itself successfully, there always comes out a large string of Filament afterwards, which the P1S does not try to clean. Then going on to print away with this string still on. It seems very unintentional.

While this is manageable in single colour prints, it makes using the AMS basically impossible, as this happens after every Colour change. This is what the bed looked like after my only proper Multicolour Print…

Anyone faced the same issue who could maybe help me?

    4 months ago

    I don’t have a Bambu but what they also need to look at is retraction settings after purging the extra filament.

    Seems like it needs to retract a little more to lower the “pressure” of the melted filament in the nozzle.

    Best analogy is that this is like a giant glue gun. Squeeze really hard and fast and the glue isn’t going to stop when you let up in the trigger. Except, with a printer, you can have the extruder “retract” a little which does introduce a vacuum effect and slow/stop the oozing.

    Note: make small adjustments with a direct drive (which most of these printers are using these days) so you don’t pull molten plastic into the heatbreak and have to deal with clogs. However, if it’s oozing out you’re probably not even close to that being an issue.

    I use Klipper and OrcaSlicer but when I get a new type of Filament (ABS, PLA, TPU) I tune it including retractions. This way it does cleaner lines and is less likely to leave blogs, stringing. And tuning filament retractions here (or something specific to purges) should fix the issue.

      4 months ago

      This is indeed the source of the extra filament. I’m just wary of suggesting you pull the filament too far up, which could take it out of the melt zone and cause a clog trying to get it back in.

      If OP isn’t having stringing issues and wants to try this, they could add a smidge of retraction in the print end section of their slicer.