Fluffy Tails Lover on a quest to find the Softest Tail that has ever existed
Please bare in mind that unless I directly say otherwise, no images I post are made by me -they usually stem from years old Phone storage
Did all Episodes get released by now? Been waiting on it all to release so I can binge it
Yes, all Open Surfaces get Ironed
Lemmy is being a buggy mess again. I tried to delete em, which it then says that it did delete them, even though it clearly didn’t. If I try to delete them now it says they are already deleted, but considering that you can see them means its just bugged. Gonna have to write a report about this and see if the mods can delete them
Noooooo I Definitely did not forget to Upload this Discussion Thread…
But yea, pretty Solid Episode. I do agree that exploring more of this world would be fantastic
I actually own an SVX right now! I Dig the Glass Dome esc design, its loads of fun to drive!
• Wanted to Start on a Steep Hill? We had a Tool for that: it was Called “Flooring the Gas while letting go off the Clutch”
To be Honest, Volkswagen has been on my No-Go list ever Since Dieselgate.
Make sure that people know that it is infact AI, best to put that into the Name. Else this would be a shitty move honestly
Always love how this artist draws her… something about that tum…
All those Artists Discord Servers I joined are gonna really fucking hate this. God I hate AI
Thats a lot less Latex then I expected
Whitelight my Beloved, Dude knows how to make my Bass Speakers go, by the pure Power of his Voice alone
Femboys are a Human to the freezer.
So glad The Freezer has accepted them
Nope! I am German and we Capitalise loads of Words. Combine that with me feeling better seeing some words just be big (Think of how Youtuber Capitalize every Word in thier Video Titles)! So Overall, really I just go off Vibes~
Why would you wanna leave this beautiful house, its so roomy inside~
Finally returning after a 3 Week hiatus
God damnit. Overlooked this one. Man I fucking hate AI