When talking about the making of Jojo Rabbit (a must see movie, in my opinion), I remember Taika Waititi making a point out wanting to represent the colourful fashion and more lively sides of Germany under the Third Reich. War movies tend to portray Nazis as dark and dull figures with no inner life other than murdering Jews and plotting for world domination. This is probably dangerous, as we won’t recognize the fascists when they’re in front of us. They’ll be laughing and dancing as they murder the innocent.
Similar to how we study Eichmann to learn about the banality of evil, I think pictures like this one should be in every text book. This is what evil looks like — pretty much like anything else, if you’re willing to ignore the atrocities.
Jojo Rabbit is recent very rare 10/10 from me. Absolutely amazing.
Highly recommend The Zone of Interest as well. An unusual film about everyday life of nazis.
Came here to mention Zone of Interest. Incredible film.
Extraordinary film about the Holocaust and can’t recommend it enough. The use of sound to portray the horrors of the camp in juxtaposition to the daily life of a German family is amazing. It’s a fresh take on the genre.
Very different from Jojo Rabbit of course, but fantastic for showing what humans can come to consider the trivialities of ordinary life.
I’m very happy I saw it in the cinema. Also very happy I was somehow completely oblivious to the thematic when the movie started: I first saw the swimsuits, thinking “huh, is this the 30s?”. Then I heard the German, at which point I realized nothing good was going to go down. I guess the sound during the intro also gave a hint.
Anyway, amazing movie. Worth seeing without distractions.
This is probably dangerous, as we won’t recognize the fascists when they’re in front of us.
Speak for yourself.
Considering how much fascism is on the rise globally and the results in the latest US election, most people do not in fact recognize fascism. Nor see it as the threat it is
People still do not call russia a nazi state despite the obvious either.
Or the zionist regime.
I do. I have. Hence my previous comment.
Ugh, why did I ever bother replying to such a dick?
I’ve been calling out this fascism for years. Not sure how that makes me a dick, but okay.
Maybe it’s not enough for you to call it out.
It’s good that you do this, but other people need to learn to recognize it for themselves. I don’t see why images likes this would hurt. The only evil many of these people committed was not thinking for themselves and taking a moral stand. Instead, they got by as best as they could.
I’m not trying to excuse them, but understand them, and that’s part of the problem right now. The current crop of right-wing idealogs think that nobody understands them, except for people like Donald Trump. That’s why the democrats lost.
People can only learn to recognize fascism if other people point to it and describe it where it exists.
But that’s not enough. Please tell me what more I should be doing.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Because you aren’t in a society made of people, its just you and your decisions here apparently.
You know all about me, don’t you?
Calm yourself, little droplet. It is not your movement alone that makes the waves.
You recognizing it isn’t enough. We need more people to recognize it too, dipshit.
What do you want, a medal?
Yeah, most people don’t realize that both candidates were genocidal fascists. Completely unaware.
Good to not forget that normal people are capable of atrocious behavior.
Normal people are very adaptive to the boring routine, may it be counting inventory or counting skulls. I’m pretty much afraid not of psycos who do evil things intentionally, but of normal people who do them 9to5 without a thought, and then go back to shopping, care for their children and elderly, and resting like that.
the occupants of the internet use a similar photo as a joke all the time
Just ordinary people living their lives. That’s what makes the nazis so fucking horrifying. How they managed to make their people disassociate from the atrocities.
That’s why I love the Milgram Experiment
There are at least three Gertrudes in this picture.
This is right up there with that Imperial Japanese soldier smiling his ass off with two comfort women on his knees.
Do you have a link to that picture? I’m not good enough at web searching, evidently.
You just don’t want to be added to a database, right? Safe Search: Off
Slightly different, but I’m 90% sure this is the one I was thinking about.
You’re welcome. Looking at some of the other results gave me mild nausea.
There’s something so fundamentally fucked about those pictures where everything looks harmless unless you know what you’re looking at.
Thanks for digging it up. I cut my search short before even disabling safe search, still saw things I would be happy to unsee.
It’s what horror movies are made of… Familiar, safe scenes where you know something is deeply, horribly wrong.
Yes, good horror movies. The ones where the horror isn’t some lame supernatural bullshit, but just regular ol’ humanity doing realistically evil shit.
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The banality of evil
Ugh, teambuilding exercises. Am I right?
10% of people are decent, 10% evil and the other 80% will just go where they think is best for them - Susan Sontag
An unrelated example, an estinated 11000 people die every year in Australia from transport pollution, try and redo how we do things based on that horrifying data ? Crickets and push back, 30 a fucking day for decade after decade, way more then any war or terrorist event. Oh we are gassing jews, gays and gypsies, of course we are!
Traffic pollution likely causes more than 11,000 premature deaths in Australia a year.
Now back in Madison Square Gaden a few years before the posted photo
And then to a Trump supporer
History doesn’t repeat but it does rhyme.
The original zionist TikTok.