• chaogomu@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    The thing is, Left vs Right is already a measure of authoritarian vs Democratic.

    The original use of the terms comes from the French Revolution. There was a vote on if the King should have an absolute veto over laws passed by the assembly. Those who said no sat to the left of the Speakers podium. Those who said yes sat on the right.

    The reason why left and right were applied to economic policy was because Marx described Communism as a form of extreme Democracy. Whereas Capitalism concentrates power into the hands of a select few.

    It’s still a measure of where the power rests. In the hands of the people or the hands of the state/leader.

    You can break it down to dozens of categories, but it’s all authoritarian vs Democratic in the end.

    As a note, Lenin style single party “communism” is about as far from Marx’s ideal as you can get.

    Dictators and Kings are all the enemies of the people.