Liliana Goodson travelled to Australia in 2023 to attend clown school with the gold-plated pistol, worth about $3,000, in her luggage
There is so much happening in this article
This commenter dug up even more baffling details:
The Guardian’s headline is.pretty tame all things considered. You could have had:
- US woman backflips in court, pleads guilty to smuggling 24-carat gold gun into Sydney
- Clown school student who tried to smuggle gold-plated pistol into Australia claims Google said it was ‘OK’
From the first one:
Goodson had declared that she was carrying cat, squirrel and rabbit parts on her incoming passenger card, but failed to mention the gun.
The court also heard that she previously owned two other guns while living in the States, but she had accidentally given them away.
“Those guns I ended up giving away, because I accidentally left them in a donation box.”
From the last one:
Her lawyer said she packed the pistol because she was high and paranoid from synthetic marijuana
She also has a horn and a bone through her nose.
You shouldn’t clown around at the airport
I guess the US woman didn’t realize that the second amendment isn’t valid outside the US.
Can you just caaually go to airport with gun in your luggage in US?
I don’t know, I am not a US Citizen.
In luggage? If done correctly yes. In carry-on? No, security should find and confiscate it. I don’t think it would result in jail time though.
Not sure why this clown (in training) wasn’t just deported back to the US. Guess the state wanted to make sure she was charged so she didn’t duck responsibility. Ah well, she’ll have a tale to tell when she gets deported at the end of her sentence I guess.
cause if they just sent her back the americans would only give her another one when she landed so whats the point.
It’s not gold, it’s Australium.
*Brave jump! *
“The court was told in recent years, Goodson was using psychedelic drugs, synthetic cannabis and crystal meth amphetamines.”
What? Nooooooooo!
She was just playing a fun N64 Goldeneye game mode, leave her alone
When I go to the airport I have game set to slappers only.
She should have tried to smuggle it in in the form or a golden cigarette case, golden cigarette lighter, golden pen and golden cufflink.
At least she didn’t claim she’s protected by the US constitution.