Liberals have always collaborated with fascists.
Can’t access the article because I don’t want to make an account, but playing by the rules hasn’t gotten the Democrats anywhere. If one party doesn’t play by the rules, they will almost always win. The only way to fix things and take any amount of power back is to play dirty. And fuck off to people (possibly like the author of this article but not sure since I can’t read the article) who say that that isn’t the right way to do things.
If democrats had gerrymandered their states just like Republicans, things would have been more fair when it comes to distribution of power. But because Democrats decided to make gerrymandering illegal on the state level for their states, the Republicans benefit because of the better drawn districts in those Democrat states. The only way we should have made gerrymandering illegal was on a federal level, doing it on a state level just fucks over Democrats since republican states will either never pass the ballot initiatives or will have the Republican government ignore it when it is passed.
Fuck playing by the rules.
Well that’s the problem. Once one side disregards norms and rules, everything is off the table. Take into account all the lawless shit Trump and his cronies have already been doing which is “action first, courts later”. When you have enough obstructionist behavior in the path to justice, we’ve already seen that justice will never come.
They will dismantle this country piece by piece and hold shit up in legislation if literally nobody is going to physically stop them. This is a fact.
The sad thing is that mostly the GOP has been playing by the rules. The Democrats were just playing an outdated version of the game where you could depend on your opponent acting honorably despite absolutely no rules requiring them to act so.
It’s also sad that the DOJ wasn’t playing by the rules, but by a memo.
Lawful Evil vs Lawful Stupid
Democratic Party leadership has the luxury of abiding by Marquess of Queensbury rules. They ain’t the ones gettin’ punched.
Yea we have a problem with republicans gerrymandering red states and democrats not doing more gerrymandering in blue states as a counterbalance, so the house is always in favor of republicans.
Two reckless parties: it is unthinkable in a mature democracy.
Why? Why is that unthinkable? Because it goes against the belief people like this author have about their own conception of “democracy?” Maybe the problem is that liberals aren’t fully living in reality, and instead reside in a purely hypothetical world. “This can’t be happening because it goes against what we believe should happen in a democracy.” Well, maybe your beliefs are just wrong, or at least incomplete.
The ultimate risk to the American republic is that Democrats give up their unilateral observance of basic norms. The system can survive, just about, one of the two main parties going feral. … The story is what far worse behaviours it might augur from the Democrats in future, given the incentives they face.
Behaviours such as? Giving up on normal leaders and elevating a demagogue of the left: a Huey Long for our age. Or choosing which election results to honour. Or embracing a leftist version of deep state theory: a total rejection of the US system.
Isn’t that what half of Lemmy has been screeching for? Basically “Save us from their fascism by instituting my flavor of fascism?”
So far, so good. He’s made a few good points that I’ve tried pointing out before. Reading on…
Ok, now WTF? The author expects an apology from the democratic party for simply abiding by tradition that the sitting president is the nominee? The whole point he’s trying to make in this article is that the norms need to be respected. Yeah, this went off the rails quick.
Then he goes on to list
alla good handful of the ways Trump abused power and tried to overthrow the government before finally wrapping up with a “What about Hunter Biden?!”In conclusion, the author made a few good points in the beginning, contradicted himself halfway through, and wrapped up with a whatabout.
Isn’t that what half of Lemmy has been screeching for? Basically “Save us from their fascism by instituting my flavor of fascism?”
No. That’s just stupid. Not even a totalitarian on the left (which is fundamentally contradictive) could be considered a fascist. It’s inherently a far right wing ideology. This is nonsense no matter what petty little grievances you think you have. And i say they as someone who thinks the online leftist spaces often trend towards being smothering.
Now that ONE Democrat has abandoned ONE fucking norm, centrists have suddenly decided that both sides are the same after all.
Not when Democrats moved to the right on the border. Not when they sold weapons for genocide. Not when they ran anti-trans hatred in their own ads. Not when they moved so far to the right that they got the endorsement of both Liz and Dick Cheney.
Nope. When Biden decides to pardon his cokehead failson. Wouldn’t want to set a precedent for ignoring norms, after all. Can you imagine if one day they ignored norms in order to help people who weren’t already rich and connected?
Can’t have that. Can you imagine if Biden had ignored norms and fired the parliamentarian? Can you imagine the hellscape that would have resulted if the national minimum wage went up?
JFC, the “both sides” - my eyes.
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