As one of my first ever self designed Prints and 3D Models, I wanna do a big organiser for my Kitchen! This is my current progress on that:

One of my friends gave me a word of caution to use the right filament when it comes to storing things like Sugar, Pepper, Salts and Tea Bags with Printed Plastics. So I wanted to ask if any of you have Good Safe Filament Recommendation for this type of thing? I heard PETG is supposedly safe, is that true? Thanks!

  • LovesTha🥧
    1 month ago

    @Mr_Mofu See the ‘process isn’t safe’ message above, and then figure out ways to over come that. You are going to need to do post processing that removes layer lines and all other micro features, to be food safe it needs a cleanable surface. (any surface with micro feature is inherently uncleanable).

    Then you need a filament that isn’t biodegradable.

    PETG may be close enough to PET to be considered safe by association but you need to deal with the micro features.