What’s interesting about this lawsuit, though, is that Paxton is effectively suing a Christian ministry for helping unhoused people—and the ministry plans to respond to the threat by saying they have a religious right to assist others:

  • Zloubida@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Was there a point in history when humans didn’t fuck things up? Cite me one numerically important group, just one, which didn’t give shelter to criminals. Christians aren’t better (like a lot of them tend to believe) nor worse (like a lot of edgy atheists tend to believe) than other people. They’re normal, and hating all of them just because some groups call themselves that and are criminals is just a stupid, paradoxically “holier-than-thou” attitude.

    And your last sentence :

    Good luck getting a Christian to say that homosexuality isn’t a sin

    just confirms me what I thought: you don’t know a lot of Christians. Like a lot of haters, you hate them just out of lack of culture and education. I know dozens of churches (which all have hundreds of thousand members) which teach that homosexuality isn’t a sin.

    To be atheist is a reasonable point of view, to wallow in one’s ignorance is not. You’re not that different from evangelicals.

    • chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Cite me one numerically important group, just one, which didn’t give shelter to criminals.

      This alone is enough to tell me that you haven’t actually read what I’ve been writing, and instead had a preformed idea of what you thought I was talking about, and just twisted my words to fit your belief.

      I am not saying that large groups of humans don’t have a tendency to fuck things up. We do. I’m saying that in general, most groups don’t write hate into their bylaws. Christianity doesn’t condemn the bible, yet the bible is a hateful document. Instead, they hold the bible up as their highest scripture and follow it to the letter, as though it were written by god itself. So, when you ask for a large group that doesn’t shelter criminals, you think you are clever and have trapped me in my own logic, but in reality, you should be asking for large groups that don’t have the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in their hand outs, or what group hasn’t marched across a continent while pillaging holy relics and killing Muslims, or what group hasn’t gathered those that don’t follow them into a trial where they torture the non-believers until they agree to join them. Church. Sanctioned. Hate.

      I know dozens of churches (which all have hundreds of thousand members) which teach that homosexuality isn’t a sin.

      No you don’t. You know dozens of churches that teach that homosexuality isn’t a crime. It’s still a sin according to the bible, and so it is a sin according to the church. The pope has said so as recently as last year.. I’ll give you the quote, since I know a lot of people don’t bother with articles.

      In the interview the pope said, “We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity. Being homosexual is not a crime. It is not a crime.”

      Then, he voiced an objection to that statement, followed by how he would respond to that objection, saying, “‘Yes, but it is a sin.’ Fine, but first let us distinguish between a sin and a crime.”

      So, there you go. The church isn’t going to call the cops on a gay man, but they will tell them that their soul is eternally damned because of the way they were born. I don’t know, still seems kinda hateful, when your whole thing is not going to hell.

      Maybe you do know a few fringe churches that are ok with homosexuality and will say that the bible is wrong and that homosexuality isn’t a sin. I’m not going to look at every church in the world to try to prove you wrong, so I’ll agree with the premise. The problem with these churches is that they are still Christian churches. They are still part of the larger hate group. Are they spending all of their tithe money on lobbying the papal seat to overturn their viewpoint on homosexuality? Are they talking to the heads of protestant denominations to overturn the hate speech that gets spewed at their weekly gatherings? Nah, they were like, “I’ll start my own church, with blackjack, and hookers, and a Chip and Dales.” And suddenly they are the “cool” church that isn’t built on a history and rhetoric of hate. Nope. Sorry. Not buying it.

      Edit. OH MY GOD. You’re a moderator at c/Christianity. Holy shit. You fucking cunt. You are literally making bad faith arguments in every sense of the word. Goddamnit, thats a great pun.