Cross-posted from “Announcement regarding the instance…” by in !

It is with great sadness that i write this. however The Admin team has parted ways. I have closed registrations, and disabled the option to create new communities. The server will be ran until the payments dry up (about ~1-2 months). We have tried to build a community for autistic people online. It ended up not working for which we apologize. Please do not go after the other team members. Some disappeared, some went their ways, but whatever the reason i wish them the best. If you have any questions, leave them here and i will try to answer them.

    3 months ago

    For smaller instances like this, when they shut down, is it worth trying to see if someone else wants to take it over? You’d have to worry about handing it off to an internet stranger that might do bad things with it, but the risk seems pretty low.

    It would also be nice if Lemmy had a migration feature based on public/private keys that let you automatically move accounts/communities to new instances