OnlyFans gives women the chance to earn money by making porn. Sex traffickers also use the platform to abuse and exploit them, say police and prosecutors. The accused range from social media influencers to cash-hungry boyfriends. “I don’t think I’ll ever be fully healed,” said one victim.
On an August morning in 2022, a young woman slipped out of a house in suburban Wisconsin and dashed to a waiting police car. Her hands shaking, she told officers it was the “most brave thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
For nearly two years, her boyfriend had held her captive, prosecutors say. She feared he’d kill her if she tried to leave. But just days earlier, after he’d poured hot grease down her back, she started plotting her escape, secretly messaging family and friends to alert police.
The young woman later explained her desperation to detectives: Almost every night, her boyfriend had forced her to record sex acts on camera to sell online. Among his chosen outlets was OnlyFans, the hugely successful website famous for porn.
As long as sex work is illegal, it will be easy for people to find ways to abuse sex workers.
Making sex work legal won’t stop slavery - plenty of modern day slaves exists today in nail salons, fast food, cleaning, factory work and so on in every city in every Western country.
Way to add literally nothing to the conversation. This post wasn’t an invitation to get on your sopbox.
Thank you for your own deeply considered and valuable contribution.
Prison slaves in the woods fighting a California wildfire. MERICA!
Literally lmao