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Where’s RedstarOS?
Redstar os is the best os everyone knows it’s the pinnacle of linux engineering
Sent from my spy-software-free mobile device (verified by my government™)
Win 10 was definitely an improvement over 8. I’d even argue that 10 as it started out was the best since xp. Of course now 10 has been fully enshitified but it used to be good.
I would agree that 10 was very good, but i could say similar things about windows 11 which in many ways performs better then 10.
And yet its shortly after upgrading to 11 that i switched to linux to never look back.
I think part of the logic in this meme is that it doesn’t matter how good the basic functions of the operating system are but what does is the design philosophy of the company. Loyalty in other systems decreased while Loyalty in windows gained.
Microsoft force feeding edge, onedrive, burrying the local account option till after the install with Microsoft account.
Randomly finding an update put a second weather widget on my taskbar that shows a different weather then the one in start. Taskbar icons that cant be closed, only hidden.
These things don’t affect the OS functionality in a big deal but its like i was in an abusive relationship that i finally got out of. No matter how much sweet talking and promises to do better i am not going back.
I’d even argue that 10 as it started out was the best since xp
How can you so batantly skip over Win 7? I’ve heard some argue 10 was better (it wasn’t) but that 7 >> XP was pretty undisputed.
All three are shit compared to Linux, of course (Arch btw).
8 wasn’t nearly as bad as people think, and there were big improvements to the kernel that make it a definite improvement over 7.
The problem for most people was the Start screen, which if you could get past, left you with what was a really good OS.
Less ads and telemetry than 10, too.
8 really doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. It was far better than 10 ever was.
It also had a lot of weird issues that people asked me or mostly techy people around me to fix. People with Windows 7 or 10 had significantly less issues and because of the familiarity (which obviously isn’t necessarily a good thing) more people could fix the problem due to having had it themselves.
Relatively speaking yes, absolutely speaking, Windows bad
I actually loved 8, but only after they allowed the desktop experience to emulate what people were more used to. It was super innovative, though, for the time.
There isn’t an universe where 8 was better than 10.
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They also forced the touch-like interface onto computers that didn’t have a touch screen.
8 had a real small install footprint if I recall. It worked on a lot of really shitty hardware that 10 didn’t. 8 is definitely not as popular as 10
There definitely is, I’m posting from there
The only thing I disagree with here is Win8 being apparently better than Win10.
Win8 was really damn annoying to use without a touchscreen, and while Win8.1 did help, Win10 was by far the better implementation of PC Metro IMO.
Having said that, Win11 is exactly where it needs to be. It’s all of Win10’s worst traits cranked up to 11 with a heaping of it’s own bullshit and spyware on top
Windows 10 should be a dead cat bounce on this chart. Better than 8, worse than 7, better than 11 by a lot.
Win8 was really damn annoying to use without a touchscreen
So many people say that but I actually liked the menu. It opened very fast and you could far more quickly find and hit the right tile than that stupid nested programs tree that was the norm in the start menus of earlier Windows versions.
I’d say considering that telemetry started to creep in primarily with Win 10, 8 was indeed better (meaning less bad).
Personally, I felt like Win8 was an over correction in favor of touch screens vs Win7. Win8.1 was kind of the sweet spot for getting touch screen functionality into Windows while maintaining a consistent UI between tablets, laptops, and desktops. So much so that I would consider it to be separate point on the chart between 8 and 10.
Win10 did improve the UI a bit over that, but was so much of a step backwards in basically every other regard that I do consider that the point at which Windows started trending consistently downwards. As in, Win10 should be lower then Win7 on that curve, with Win11 lower than that, and no real hope that any future updates or versions will ever improve anything.
Dude, I am all for people trying and stuff.
I can tell that you are just starting out in the graph game, and that is cool and all. But compare to OP yours looks terrible. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m just trying to save you from the embarrassment.
Take another look at OPs graph and pay attendtion to the different thickness in the lines and the unpredictable curves.
I don’t think people got the sarcasm :(
Wait, did you write an actual function for that graph?
The Windows function is
cos(pix) + 1
The Linux function is
0.05x^2 - 1/2 cos(pix)
Windows 10 on the same level as ME and Vista?.. And worse than 8 with that fucking Metro UI?
Ok. Ok…oh…kay.
Look I like Linux and want to eventually abandon windows for it, but this is just mindless circle jerking here
This meme says:
- windows 8 somehow is more beloved than Windows 10 (lmao)
- linux is just one single OS, instead of an agglomerate of hundreds of distributions
- and implies that every single one of them got better with time (lmao)
Are you implying that win10 is worse than win8?
Yea, I’d say Win10/11 is on the same good/shit cycle as always
Though whether Win12 breaks it and continues the shitty trend is highly likely at this point
Highly disagree, 10 is just worse than 7. Its more like a downward spiral.
7 > 10 > 8 > 11
On this graph 10 should be where 8 is and 8 should be where 10 is, 11 is exactly where it should be
I’d call it a damped spring oscillation. Still goes up and down, but the extremes peter out with time.
Try to install windows 10 on hdd and see for yourself, Linux works fine no matter which device it’s loaded from, windows before 10 did too
Why would you install Windows 10 on a hard drive? If your computer is that old, you want 7 or XP
Are 7 and XP still supported?
No, but what are you going to do? Install WIn10 on a computer that’s too old and doesn’t meet the minimum specs?
If you have a 2010 computer, it’s either old Windows or Linux, modern WIndows is going to suck, if it even works. Ergo, i can’t think of a circumstance where you’d want/have to install Win10 on a hard drive instead of an SSD.
Maybe shits and giggles, similar to running Doom on random stuff? If someone has more imagination than me then i’m open
Modern linux mint with zram works flawlessly on lga775 4gb ram and Nvidia gt210 and hdd as main and only drive
If you’re still running 10 does it matter?
For a month or two
Windows philosophy is that it comes pre-installed and should be used with recent hardware. You may think of that what you will (environment wise etc), but to me that’s a valid design choice to make, in principle.
Can confirm. Win 10 on hdd is torture.
I am missing something. Where else would you install Windows but the HDD? (I haven’t installed windows in 20 years so I don’t know)
I think they are talking HDD vs SSD.
Old person thanks you
If you’ve not yet tried putting an OS on an NVME drive, it’ll change your life. Or at least speed up your computing.
An SSD ? It’s about disk speed. The HDDs speed limit make win 10 sluggish as hell. While not as bad, even Linux (mint) is starting to be affected by this.
I used both on HDD. They are both slow but while Mint is predictably slow and stable, Win10 can grind to a halt unexpectedly.
My pc on win 10 took 20 to 30 min just to to start up. 🥲
I have Windows 10 LTSC installed on an old hard drive and it works fine.
I guess it depends on what your standards are for ‘fine’, or maybe it’s a 10k rpm drive. Win 10 on a standard HDD is dog shit, I personally had to upgrade several offices from HDD to SSD when Windows 10 came out.
Got any recommendations for backing up / migrating systems to a new drive? I’d be willing to try it but I don’t forsee enough benefit to warrant reinstalling everything on that machine.
If you have a hard drive reader and spare thumb drive it’s not too hard. Just put clonezilla on the thumb drive, boot it, put the new drive in the reader, and clone your old drive onto the new one.
Back in the day I usually just put a fresh install on the SSD and downloaded their personal files from the network copy. I found that upgrading from 7 to 10 had a uncomfortably high failure rate, so it was easier to just put a fresh install of 10 on and go from there.
Oh I’m never upgrading. That would be crazy.
The sad thing about being a Windows user is they’ve got you between a rock and a hard place. You either upgrade or lose support, and in a lot of cases you can’t upgrade without buying a new system.
I know a lot of people resist learning Linux, but it really is the only way out of the cycle. You can start small at first, dip your toes in. Before long it will feel more natural and familiar than the next release from Redmond. On that day you will be free.
I’ve ran through 3 win 10 HDD computers and they all had sorts of performance issues with HDD. I don’t think it was tested beyond bootup for HDD.
Definitely, yes. Win8 was unusable on desktops but was pretty good on tablets, win10 sucks on both. But the main thing is that spyware/bloatware explosion happened in win10. Xbox services, onedrive, cortana, that weather thing with msn news, fucking candy crush preinstalls, etc, all came with win10.
Which are all significantly better than Mac OS and are especially better than Linux
Saying Windows 10 is worse than Windows 8 is just nonsense. Saying macOS is worse now than 5 years ago is… just dumb? And the colour scheme doesn’t make any sense, why is the red at macOS literally higher than the green?
the timeline in the pic is a bit off, but macos is definitely getting worse. I think mavericks was the last version that let you turn off mouse acceleration.
On Sonoma and higher:
System Settings > Mouse > Advanced
On every version:
defaults write .GlobalPreferences com.apple.mouse.scaling -1
For the Mac and Linux graphs the color seems to represent the rate. When it’s going up it’s green and when it’s going down it’s red.
Yeah, but that’s just inconsistent…
maybe because it represents the drop.
OSX peaked in the 2000s and early 2010s. Apple started walling it off more and more a decade ago.
Their hardware has gotten better in the past 5 years with the m series chips and getting rid of that terrible keyboard though.
Vista wasn’t that bad. The dodgy selling it on computers that couldn’t handle it was an issue (much like they still do with selling laptops with only 32gb storage).
I still think it was one of the nicest looking - black taskbar with the start button sticking up, sidebar widgets, aero glass etc
It was never stable for me. I remember I had a laptop that would always refuse to shut down because “shutdown.exe” was running
I wonder if that was actually malware.
Possible, I was a foolish tinkerer with little experience. I’m now a professional foolish tinkerer.
You know, when i watched Metalocalypse i was very surprised that they say that maybe three times in the whole show and that’s it
You’re absolutely right about this. 7 is basically a Vista service pack that got rebranded.
All of the “good stuff” people credit 7 with came in Vista.
I remember the hardware situation being very fucked, due to driver authors not updating their shit in time and people trying to get their older stuff working which worked fine under XP, but was incompatible with Vista’s new driver model. It took a couple years until the release of 7 for most of those issues to get ironed out.
I think some of the biggest complaints about Vista were its poor driver support and over-active UAC. You couldn’t hardly do anything on the computer without UAC bugging you for permission when Vista first came out.
“couldn’t do anything”
This was a third-party implementation problem, not an OS issue.
By the time Third party software stopped being all loosy-goosey like the OS was windows XP, Microsoft had already re-branded the OS to Win7.
Vista’s UAC wasn’t any more problematic than sudo is.
Windows has commited a sin()
Why? Just cos.
Linux on the other hand gained a lot of exp()
This implies that Linux is rising but still worse than the worst windows os 🫣🫠🫤😴🤧🤮🥴
the graphs are separate, not superimposed. I agree it’s confusing
I feel like they should cross. For a long time Linux really was “worse” than Windows in the sense that you needed some computer knowledge and deal with incompatibilities with the OS that most people were using; both have gotten better in recent years and Windows has gotten worse, so for some use cases i’d say we could be at the point that the lines cross.
Written from my Mint laptop, absolutely perfect but i’ve only used it for internet and office so nothing fancy
Yup. For me it similar. I was getting frustrated with the lack of customization in Win11, while at the same time seeing that Linux is actually viable for me with the Steam Deck.
I’ve been running Linux for a year now and while it was good enough for me to switch back then, it’s incredible how much better it has gotten since then.
And it’s that good at 4% market share. Imagine the possibilities if 20% of desktops were Linux, with that much dev time being put into it.
I say “if” but maybe it’s “when”
They look together to me
None of this makes sense
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Nothing, OP just needed to shit on it because it’s not linux
Yeah, I’d say it’s the
bestleast horrible it’s ever beenApple sold out to OpenAI.
You mean the optional feature you can turn off?
Windows and even Mac are clearly superior. As shown in the graph eventhough Linux is getting better it never even got close.
I think the way you worded it doesn’t make it obvious that you’re criticizing the graph specifically and not the os, hence your downvotes. But yes, that graph is absolute mess.
That wink was somewhat intended ;) The graphs are the intended primary meaning, but Linux usability has actually been complicated in the past.
I.e. I was unable to get a crappy 300$ Laptop running with Linux as a student (ca. 2016) to be used as a youtube/Netflix machine. But that is way in the past. It worked barely when using Windows and I had the hope to prolong its life with Linux. There were some complicated graphic driver issues.
I would put win8 lower and win10 as a slight rise but not up to win 7 territory and then plummet. osx should plummet with the iosification of it.