
Sen. Lindsey Graham defended Matt Gaetz, Trump’s nominee for attorney general, saying allegations of sexual misconduct should not disqualify him based on “a media report.”

Gaetz denies the claims, which include sexual misconduct with a high school student, drug use, and improper gifts, asserting they were part of an extortion plot.

While the FBI convicted someone for extortion related to the allegations, Gaetz was not charged.

Some Senate Republicans, like Sen. John Cornyn, are pressing for the release of a bipartisan House Ethics Committee report on the matter.

  • prole
    4 months ago

    Most compromised politician in the US. At this point, I’m convinced that his handlers won’t let him just retire, and will use him for shit like this until he’s demented.

      4 months ago


      I actually hadn’t thought about it that way - to the degree that I thought about it at all, I guess I pretty much assumed that opportunistic sycophancy was just his nature.

      But yeah - now that I am thinking about it, it is quite likely that to the degree that it’s not his own nature, it’s a role he has to play at the behest of and on the behalf of his patrons.

      And the only other thing I’ve really noticed about Graham is that pretty much no matter what he’s doing or saying, there’s this ongoing low level sense of sleaze that just sort of emanates from him. He just seems like the sort of “conservative” with a sex dungeon in his basement and a bunch of highly specialized escort services on speed-dial.

      Which ties in neatly.