T-1000 David Bowie is pisssssed.
“A worm ate his brain.”
No, it’s true. He died from an easily-preventable case of extremely painful shingles, but he refused the vaccine.
I heard that whole bear in Central Park thing was a cover - it was HIS body that got dumped, not a bear. The thing running around Washington right now is a top of the line clone planted by China to make Trump look like the more sane choice. Once he’s running HHS, he’s gonna send them everything he can to help them make a Trump clone that seemingly lives forever (or at least until he’s done selling off America to China … It completely destroying it - they’ll take whichever comes first).
At least that’s what I heard around the Qulthouse…
That’s not quite it, they actually shaved the bear to replace him
Always enjoyed his appearances as a side character in the cartoons, but when you got the main justice league lineup you don’t really need another superman…firestorm…green lantern…martian man hunter … damn they got a lot of overpowered superheroes going on in that orbital cannon. Makes you wonder why they needed that space station armed, they could blow up the world easier than nukes.
Agree, he works best as a subversion of a superman, imo. Right now there’s a Jenny Sparks mini written by Tom King about a rogue Captain Atom, and I’m liking it a lot. Issue #4 comes out this Wednesday! Link if interested
He ain’t wearing pants