
Recently I was fed up with bad performance in CS2 on Fedora 41 (KDE/Wayland/kernel 6.11.7-300) and started googling around. With my RX6600 I was able to hit 60fps on 1080p/low, but it would often go as low as 40. Trying to change te resolution would cause some strange mouse issues where the game wouldn’t let me look to the right or down at all. After reading some posts and getting opposing info, I decided to dnf install plasma-workspaces-x11 and test things out. The X11 session doubled the FPS like it was nothing. A constant 120fps with the possibility to go even higher. Is there something that I could try and fix in Wayland to achieve the same level of performance? As far as I understood, KDE might axe X11 support in the upcomign releases and I wouldn’t want to be left behind.

  • eldavi@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    i feel that x11 support is still better than wayland’s at this stage and if you’re specifically wondering about plasma, it only just recently starting officially working with wayland in its most recent release so you’re probably not yet left behind.

    i started purchased linux laptops & workstations from a linux company a few years ago and that ensured that i don’t have problems like the one you’re experiencing and lemmy has taught me that all the smooth sailing w those linux rigs have given me, has made me fall behind; so i’m buying the cheapest and most proprietary windows laptop i can find and installing linux on it to use as my daily driver to sit next to my work laptop.