• Freeman@lemmy.pub
    1 year ago

    Maybe but the point is it’s a distinction without a difference or in his own words “it doesn’t matter the outcome is still the same”

    He sold something that wasn’t his. If I donate my neighbors car to charity while it’s on loan to me, EVEN if I give him the money that was paid it’s still a dick move and illegal. And that is something that is replaceable with an actual market value.

    And in this case it’s a prototype that is 1 of 1. This move caused real damage to another person/company.

    Like I tell my kids “sorry doesn’t make it better or make things alright”. And in this case it straight up not good enough. Even a qualifier of “we put some controls in place to make sure this never happens again” is still not good enough. He’s not obsolved of the burden no matter how many times he claims he is.