Democracy is dead because America would rather elect a male that jerks off a microphone than a woman.
Already heard “unlikable” again last night. Right. Fool us once.
It’s this. America cannot fathom that a well qualified Black woman could be better than the most basic of white men.
Could you imagine if SHE had sucked off a mic? People already didn’t vote for her because they thought she slept her way to get where she is.
The most basic?
The most degenerate of white men, more like
Yes, that is his identity.
32 felonies, even!
The party should have recognized this insurmountable weakness, if it even was one, and did what it needed to to win. Whatever you suss out is the lesson from this election is, I just think it’s pitiful they can’t beat the orange turd that just won’t flush.
It is easy to blame american to not wanting to vote for a women instead of blaming a campaign that ignored key state last time “hillary and Michigan” and a campaign “ignored a key voting issue” for many people.
No matter the cause, it is extremely disheartening that government cannot fend off the likes of donald trump. What ever is broken is beyond repair, imo.
It’s not broken. It’s working exactly as designed, sadly.
Thing is, I’m sure if the only thing different was Walz on top of the ticket and Kamela on the bottom, and the campaign was ran the EXACT same way. Trump would have been defeated in a landslide.
One of my big hopes was if they won, it’d open us up to a potential Walz presidency in the future. I was all aboard with Kamala herself, but Walz? That’d be sick.
Don’t be fooled. Trump won because over 70 million Americans would rather have him than a woman.
I’m hearing trump didn’t add any supporters. This whole thing was a failure in turnout. I won’t say America isn’t deeply sexist because I’m not stupid. I will say that voting just to have a women be president, no, that was not enough and it wasn’t enough in 2016 either.
Trump doesn’t win if 70 million Americans don’t vote for him.
I’ll let you preach. Say what you got to say.
Sure, and this is why Trump won. The backlash vote against this ignorant rhetoric.
Trump doesn’t win without 70+ million Americans voting for him.
“Parties? Were we’re going, we don’t need parties.”
I fully believe there will never again be another legitimate election in the US. Except, I want to be devil advocate and say Trump can’t pull it off. I know that’s not true so I have to kinda decide if I want to larp it.
Trump can pull it off, but Trump can also shit himself and fail. Either possibility is there. Either way, though, we’re looking at four years of right-wing policy and, like last time, in case any of the dumb fucks who think “Swing to the right = Later swing to the left”, a resurgence in conservative views that four years of non-fascists isn’t enough to completely reverse.
We likely lose another supreme court justice seat if not more. Also all the old fuck justices destroying our country will step out and be replaced with truely diabolical assholes because Rs play for keeps. Sorry, the only way to save the court after today is massive reform, good luck.
I swear the liberals sitting this one out will regret nothing more in their very turbulent future.
I swear the liberals sitting this one out will regret nothing more in their very turbulent future.
Don’t worry. The leftists will find someone else to blame.
I thought they blamed biden and bibi.
No, they’ve moved on to blaming Harris for not ‘inspiring’ them to vote against fascism, and Harris voters for daring to vote against fascism in a FPTP system.
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I mean, she kinda did fail to inspire people to vote against fascism, hence the fact that fascism won due to low turnout
No no, after months of reading the same 6 people post inane shit on Lemmy I learned that the Gaza situation is entirely due to JOR BIDE N who loves GENORCIDE. Israel apparently didn’t do anything.
I’m just kind of assuming he’s in mid- to late-stage Alzheimer’s and hopefully won’t last the year, probably getting “Amendment 25, sectional 5’d” by Vance at the earliest opportunity, and I don’t think Vance has enough political will behind him to be a dictator. At least that’s my hope, flimsy as it might be.
Wishful thinking.
Elections going forward will be for show, like elections in Russia. But Trump has said “we won’t need to vote again” so maybe he’ll just make himself president for like President Xi. This is extreme, but since the Rs will control every branch, could they ban the Democrat party, or it to break up, anything like that?
They can do what ever they like. Democrats are powerless to stop them. They don’t even know if they should. They hesitate when they see injustice and think, wait, this could look politically bad and hurt my reelection. Trump has dispeled all that shit and proved that all this political posturing is bullshit. You can be as unhinged as you like, and as long as you’ve fostered real support and didn’t just garner it from some political capital factory it will be unwavering.
Lots don’t realize it yet but this was their last chance to vote. It was pretty meaningless but they could have fended off the reversal of years of political gains but instead they looked to their pockets and let the people with their hand in it have back control.
I live in a deep red state where my vote effectively does not count. Yesterday morning, I woke to an absurd amount of hip/back pain and could barely stand up. Yet I still drug my ass to the polls and stood in line for my turn to vote.
Whatever happens, I blame the fickle morons who stayed home. The parties, platforms, politics, etc. are what they are, if you can’t be bothered to at least vote for the lesser of two evils, then you deserve everything you get.
No, I will not reside myself to think democrats did everything they could have. The only thing the democrats have done in my lifetime is lead people straight into shark infested waters. I’m not saying I won’t ever vote for them again but I don’t see them ever winning anything of substance if they can’t beat trump.
Agreed. In the 2016 election I checked myself out of the hospital against my doctor’s advice, donned a mask, and coughed my way through the voting line with pneumonia. There’s no excuse, especially with how easy it is to absentee vote nowadays.
I’m not American. I live in Europe.
But I’ll give an insight. Socdem party lost support for most people because they systemically failed to address the issues of the working class.
People can have empathy for other people’s problems. But when no one cares about your problems a ñnd election after election they ask you to vote them because empathy to others, and never for your own good, because they never do anything for you. And your life keeps getting worse and worse, and still they refuse to address your problems, and keep wanting your vote just for “stopping fascism” or “being solidary”… You can do that for one election, maybe two… But at some point you just phase out, you just cannot care anymore. If they don’t do anything for you, and you need something being done, you just don’t vote.
And seeing the low democratic turnout in the US, I think it may be the answer. Maybe people that didn’t show up yesterday is people that needed their problem solved the last 4 years and they just got ignored by the Democratic party. So they just didn’t vote the Democratic party out of spite.
I will actually probably won’t vote in my country next election. Fully knowing that the conservative and fascist parties will win and form a coalition government.
But SocDem and Communists have been ruling 8 years and they failed to address my issues. I cannot, in good conscience, keep giving them my vote knowing what they are doing with it. I just have my dignity. I will stand against the altRight on my own terms when they’ll raise to power if necessary, but I’ll refuse to give my vote to anyone who didn’t deserve it.
The point is, they don’t need your vote. Your sword is a threat to no one while sheathed.
I dont understand that sentiment… i mean yes, i agree the parties should absolutely do more and listen to their voters… but the fact of the matter you have to play the game because the alternative is worst. You think noone listens to you now? What makes you think letting the opposition win will do for you? It will only make your life worse.
Do you think the governments in 1930’s europe appeared out of thin air? No, they were elected until they held enoigh power to consume total power. Literally tens of millions of people suffered all over the world because people became complacent.
Dont ever give up hope vote for the lesser evil and push for more grass roots movements so the lesser evil will become the even lesser. If you dont, you may never have that freedom again.
heres a game, i have a hot iron, you will press your hand to it and i will role a dice, the first role is with a d6 if it lands on 1 i will give you £30, the second time i will role a d12 if again it lands on 1 i will give you £30, this dice becomes progressively bigger and your odds smaller the longer this game runs. will you continue to play the game?
So as long the alternative is worse. Yes. You think an hot iron is uncomfortable? Try being thrown in pot of boiling oil. Thats the alternative.
So you gave up hope for a better future a long time ago?
Sorry but in the face of fascism, idealism should take a backseat. You can’t prod a party to do better by voting for the opposition and you shouldn’t punish everyone that is more vulnerable then you are just because you don’t like your options. The time to build is between presidential elections anyways.
But we didn’t get here yesterday. It took a long, long time, as long as I am old ( I am almost 50), for it to get this hot. And Democrats in the US, Social Democrats in Europe own a lion share of this turn to fascism. They’d really rather change words than meanings. Politicians that is, not academics. They dismissed the ones who once gave them this power to change the lives of the working classes for the better. Unfortunately it was the workers themselves, so they lost that support. They thought they could keep their power with support from the corporations that are in direct conflict with the workers. Now this hasn’t worked, what will happen?
I can only speak to the politics in the US, but you’re right in that Democrat officials are largely are wordy with little talk and no bite. I don’t know if I directly blame them for the right turning fascist over the last 10 years but you can’t fight a growing fire by conceding ground and feeding it while hoping that it’ll be less hungry next time. The start of the fire was definitely started by Trump’s propaganda in 2016 but the kindling was laid out prior in acts like Citizen’s United. People were bored and wanted something different in 2016, republicans being ethically blind to damage their policies might cause. Dems really fucked up by backstabbing Bernie and forcing a bad candidate into the spotlight. 8 years later and they haven’t learned anything and the working class is still left behind.
I don’t know the answer to forcing the Democratic party to fix its mistakes, I just know where it went wrong.
No. Giving up voting is giving up a better future. The system is rigged. But the president is by designed limited in power. Change happens in the congress and local politics. The president merely holds the peices togather.
But congratulations, the short sightedness just handed the keys to the kingdom to a single man. The only check and balance trump has is the infighting within the Republican party and his own incompetence.
All I’m hearing is you want a slow painful existence. Just don’t play the game, join a revolutionary movement and appeal to the working class, its a far more fun game 😉
You think revolution is a great time? and chances of it fixing anything is very low. All it causes is turmoil and a power vacuum.
Socialism fixes the issue of power vacuum silly. I think revolution will lead to a better time than now. Global communism is the only tenable conclusion unless we wish to regress or are you one of those that believes capitalism is the end of history?
Tell me which revolution that ended in a democractic socialist society and one that didnt involve millions of people suffering for years?
Look at the nordic countries. They didnt have revolution to acheive their socialism. It was democraticly elected. Is it perfect? Of course not, but its more than most countries have achieved.
Correct. Democrats - especially the more SJW ones - keep advocating for the end of the Gaza genocide (which is a legitimate point) but won’t offer any hope for own citizens who can’t make ends meet due to inflation. Then the only choice is to vote to the other guy who promises those things. It is not that the other guy can improve this but at least he acknowledged that it was a problem that bothers voters.
I wonder what he thinks by ending the Gaza genocide. I have a feeling it’ll mean an accelerated one.
Socdem party? When have we ever had one?
Pretty spot on from my perspective. I did vote but it was more because there we’re two proposals on the ballot that I did care about. If not for those I would have probably skipped voting. I’m just exhausted at this point because my life has continued to worsen as long as I’ve been an adult and everyone’s fixated on LGBT and other shit that doesn’t even affect me or most of the other people that feel the need to have an opinion on it. We can just let people live their lives… What about housing, healthcare, wages, and all the other basic quality of life shit that helps everyone?
On top of that my vote for president didn’t matter anyway because the district I’m in would always go red and for most of the local positions there aren’t even democrat or even 3rd party options.
Trump is a talented, comforting story teller to the dull cow-eyed masses. Harris, not understanding human nature, thought that fighting fantasy, comfort, and escapism with facts and warnings was a winning strategy.
I saw the writing on the wall when comparing Trump’s actual speech performance at his rallies against his critics’ delusions of dementia and mental unfitness.
You know what I love watching more then anything. Watching a bully get shat on. If dems could harness this power and step down from the high horse you might see things start to change. Except it will take some self actualization from institutional politicians. Don’t worry though, it’s coming. They will get the boot and their high mindedness will evaporate.
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Sounds like you don’t value being a good person, which is fine. For me it’s the only thing I value. Take my justice; take my earnings; take my freedom; you won’t ever find me lose hope that being kind to others may result in me meeting others who will be kind to me. That when we are together; I will have found my home and the place where I belong in this brief moment before I am dust.
At the same time. I cannot be kind to those that take justice from my brothers and sisters; I cannot be kind to those that take earnings from my brothers and sisters; I cannot be kind to those that take freedom from my brothers and sisters. That would not be kind for the people I love more then anything.
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I’m not so jealous that I think about abandoning things that make me, me. Maybe I’m a shit person and I should change here and there to experience a different side of things. Except, I rely on who it is I think I am and want to be. Everyday. If I could easily shed that, I probably would, because I’ll tell you it comes with a lot of suffering and grief. Anxiety, depression, apathy, and a constant numbness to the world around me. There is something rare about me you probably will not find in your day to day. I have abandoned everything once and you know what I found? All roads lead home. Though, I’ve been able to shed some other baggage and surround myself with the person I admire most I keep fighting for the person I want to be.
I’m tired, I’ll admit it. The only thing I can say for myself, though, is my life is now full of purpose.
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I value being a good person, but if being a good person gets people killed and the alternative doesn’t, then being a good person relies on not being a good person.
It’s a paradox, but if saving America means putting on a baseball cap, dropping a few racial slurs, and calling the opposing political party an “enemy from within” who must be “purged”, is what wins an election, than for God’s sake do it.
Is it ok to criticise the Dems again?
Considering they are now completely irrelevant and about to be wiped from government all together, sure.
Everyone screaming about democracy just died. In fact it was always dead. Electoral college system basically disregards voter who does not vote for winning party. It’s a system where you have only two choices, thus less competition, thus lower quality of candidates. Then everyone is like “is this best US can do?”. Let alone gerrymandering. People should be rioting, not because Trump won, but because system is not democratic.
I didn’t create this democracy nor do I endorsed it. I just think as we venture down this road of right wing authoritarianism people like yourself may grow to have an appreciation for what it did offer.
Its dead because people voted for this guy and his anti democratic policies.
achktualy less peoples voted for him this time
thats great but enough people voted for him. I saw a figure with over 50% and I believe in 2020 he lost the popular vote. He would not have won if people and an aweful lot of them, had not voted for him.
We’ve been on the idiocracy set for decades
The illusion of freedom of choice is a powerful tool.
Fuck America, I’m done. We’re getting what we want. Democracy, liberty, and personal freedom; no thanks
At least he won the popular vote, so it’s well and truly want the majority (who cared to vote) wanted this time. It would be much more frustrating if he lost the popular vote like in 2016, where the minority in votes had control of house, senate and executive branches. This time it’s what people wanted, and people somehow voted for fascism instead of the status quo.
I know Antifa really wasn’t an established group like the proud boys, but I’m joining antifa. I’m radicalized, I’m afraid.
Muscle memory in action.
How about because of the political system that doesnt make rulers accountable to their base and give little incentive to appeal to anyone but the well of? Just make yourself slightly more appealing than the opposition