• TrickDacy@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      See you’re almost right. The real ticket is to unequivocally shield those directly responsible from blame and then pretend everyone who doesn’t is a bad person.

                • TrickDacy@lemmy.world
                  4 months ago

                  With a straight face you argue that the people who stubbornly threw a tantrum with everything on the line, without a care in the fucking world, are blameless. That having an iota of care for their fellow citizens, an ounce of civic duty, was not something that can be expected of them. It’s a seriously fucked and pathetic viewpoint. You must see litter on the sidewalk and wonder what horrible things the government must’ve done to make these people litter, because clearly having even the smallest amount of concern for one’s impact on the world is optional and unnecessary.

                  All that matters is letting garbage behavior slide because everyone is a victim all the time - unless of course - that someone is a Democrat. We cannot possibly entertain the idea that Democrats fucked up AND citizens who didn’t vote are responsible for this. Oh fuck no, voting is optional and we should expect and demand to be begged to do it. Sitting the fuck home no matter what the cost is just meh, who gives a fuck right? We can only ever ever blame Democrats because not only do we despise everything about Democrats, we have tiny brains only capable of binary positions on matters.