The removed comment 1000006092

  • I feel a well voted thread sorts opinions on any topic from popular to unpopular. Gives people reading an additional dimension to put ideas that exists outside their subjective. And doesnt effect you ability to engage in discussion. Would be nice if u could search by contraversial tho.

    Then of course u have the mathematical argument of votes that defaukt u have +1, -1, 0 (neutral) if u remove downvotes u essentialy have +1/2, -1/2 with no neutral forcing you to take a position. This is because a post without downvotes is not sorted against posts with downvotes but only other posts without.

      5 months ago

      I don’t think pushing popularity to the top or bottom is a great way to promote nuance. It’s nice for cat pictures, but I don’t think it’s helpful for discussion