YouTube? Deleted comment. Twitter? Banned, Reddit? Shadow banned and blocked Xbox live? You get kicked out online mode despite you are PAYING for it. You can’t express your anger or hate towards other people without some kind of freedom.

No I’m not saying that RACISM or serious accusations should be allowed, but a simple “fuck u” gets you eliminated. Is depressing.

    4 months ago

    I was writing something like “I understand but here’s why it has to be this way”, but then I read comments about not wanting to take the high road and how being nice gets you nowhere. So instead: when I was a young adult in the 2000’s, angrily telling someone to “go f themselves” face-to-face might get you punched in the mouth. Someone who started swearing at everyone whenever they were angry was labelled an asshole. It’s not like I spent those years in a weak, no-confrontation, “let’s hug instead” environment either - my friends and I just didn’t put up with regular disrespect. I’ll stop there because I don’t want to glorify violence - there are better ways to deal with insults and we didn’t fight often. Most of the time jackasses just didn’t get invited anymore.

    My point: online, anonymous communication removed a lot of social and physical consequences of confrontation, but that doesn’t make being nasty alright. You may say, “It’s just a f you”, but your comments make me think that being nasty is the intent. Not trying to shame you but if I’m right about hurting others being the goal then: yeah, admittedly that’s not rare anymore but you can do better.

    Also you say being nice doesn’t get you anywhere. I’d ask: when was the last time you told someone to f themselves and they were like, “Oh, I never considered that. You’ve won me over.” Trading insults online leaves everyone angry and encourages inventive cruelty so the other person is hurt more. Anger is natural - we all feel it and I need to self-censor all the damn time. But there are better ways to deal with being angry, and even to reduce the amount of time you spend angry.