I mean, I can only estimate it’s size from the person standing next to it. From there I can use that estimate to get the volume of the cube, then the weight, then look up the cost by weight right now and apply the average.
I’m betting I got it a few months before someone can gather the equipment to steal it. It would have outlived its novelty and likely be a burden at that point. If the cult works out The Cube should be self sufficient and could even become a profitable local attraction.
That cube would be in the neighborhood of 1 million dollars of tungsten
That is… surprisingly little. Are you sure?
I mean, I can only estimate it’s size from the person standing next to it. From there I can use that estimate to get the volume of the cube, then the weight, then look up the cost by weight right now and apply the average.
So it would be somewhere around 1mm by weight.
By weight probably, for it to be a perfectly symmetrical cube would likely cost you double that.
I’m betting I got it a few months before someone can gather the equipment to steal it. It would have outlived its novelty and likely be a burden at that point. If the cult works out The Cube should be self sufficient and could even become a profitable local attraction.
A tungsten cube that size would weigh a fuckload.
To just deliver it would be an undertaking. There will be roads between you and the where ever this came from that are not rated for that weight.
You may need a specialized truck just to move it, and a crane to get it on and off said truck…
If they won’t deliver The Cube at their expense, they should have given out a more reasonable prize.
Just get egyptians to move it