In a rambling voice message on Monday, the country’s minister for the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice announced the bizarre new restriction on women’s behaviour.

    4 months ago

    Yeah look I’m not going to get into pointless discussions about religions that just going to end up like talking about football teams. You wanna criticize religion as a concept feel free to, but you’ll always end up sounding like you’re 12 when you’re painting with such a broad brush over something like 1.5 billion people. You may not notice in this circle jerk or even the circle jerk that is liberal media but people who tend to have strong simplified opinions on one topic usually have them about others as well. I hope you will experience that the world is more complicated than that and hopefully it will make you think.

        4 months ago

        Dog whistle for what? For not liking that it’s ridiculous what kind of shit you can say when it’s about those people? The shit people say nowadays about Muslims and Islam is the same shit they said a 100 years ago about Jews and it was and still is liberal media who’s carrying this into the middle of society, not some MAGA Qanon looney toons who live in their own world anyway.

        I’m not surprised people here are confused and that’s exactly what I’m criticizing and what makes me being downvoted to oblivion, some topics people aren’t capable of understanding nuance and this is one of them.