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A fellow mod informed me that about it as I was laying in bed. Reddit sent a message to the mod team and after 1 hour demoded me. I didn’t even had time to see it, never-mind respond to it.

Looks like we rattled reddit enough to start shooting. There goes all that fancy talk about our protest not affecting them much.

Just FYI for now. It’s late here so I’ll see how we proceed tomorrow.

    51 year ago

    can other mods reappoint you?

    You should reopen privacy but a la /r/pics and only allow posts about laptop privacy screens and laptop privacy screen reviews and top 10 laptop privacy screens etc. for some malicious compliance.

    • GizmoLion
      01 year ago

      Should be all about VPNs. Which VPNs are good, which are bad, screenshots of which ads you’ve seen lately.

      • pgetsos
        31 year ago

        It should be only images of Pirates. Blackbeard, Redbeard, Morgan etc

    31 year ago

    Question for us refugees is: do we care enough to fill up these scab Reddit subs with spam and shit, or just let it be?

    I’m partial to the idea kf creating chaos, but at the end I don’t think I can give a shit. It’s just another corporate social network now.

    I do hope tho that mods of the closed subs nuke all the content (e.g. mark as cp/spam/something) before they get fired.

  • Seasoned_Greetings
    31 year ago

    You should consider posting that screenshot around the bigger subs that are still resisting. Ask them to repost it as well. Don’t go quietly, let the whole site see what lengths the admins are going to for the illusion that everything is fine.

    No offense, this is a great site, but the word isn’t going to get out from here.

  • Avalanched
    21 year ago

    Arr, me hearties, I be sorry to hear that ye’ve been demoted by the landlubber admins in the Reddit Royal Navy, aye!