Former US president Donald Trump said in an interview released Sunday that he will not run again in four years if he is not successful in his current bid for the White House. “I think that will be — that will be it,” Trump said when asked if he would make a fourth consecutive run for the presidency should he lose the November election against Vice President Kamala Harris.
He said that last time too.
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I can 100% imagine him running for as long as he has a pulse. And even then, it wouldn’t entirely surprise me if he didn’t have a pulse and republicans used a deep fake to keep him campaigning. He’s basically all they have at this point.
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I was thinking like Herman Cain, when they used his likeness and account to promote party messaging after his death, but this works too.
God, I hadn’t even thought about how many Trump deepfakes are going to be swindling conspiracy theorists out of their money for years after he dies.
During the Iraq War, there was a brief moment where a camera crew just happened to be in the right place at the right time to show the world a live broadcast of a perfectly healthy Saddam Hussein out in the wild, being greeted by his troops as a hero. Except the guy really didn’t look much like Saddam Hussein at all. It was the kind of cheap fake that you would think people could never fall for.
Since then, we’ve seen time and time again what people will fall for.
So, yes. Not only are you correct, you are probably more correct than people would want to admit.
That was just one of his body doubles. You can tell the difference because he didn’t have a scar.
“Pasta fasul I am a fool” -Pope Formosus probably
If he dies the Trumpers will say that the RINOs did it.
I agree with you and hope he does not run in 2028.
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He’ll be less dangerous to the US, and more dangerous for the GOP.
he probably won’t, like, survive for 4 more years. Or at least, he wouldn’t if it weren’t for the amazing healthcare package he gets for having shat all over democracy for four years.
he’s 78 now, will be 82 next election.
but if he loses a 2nd time i feel like there will be more pressure to push him out. but maybe that’s wishful thinking.
Yes, I can.
He won’t be running again, as if he loses, he will die in prison.
Have you ever known him to lie?
to be fair, with the way he seems to be going, he might not be physically capable of doing something as presumably stressful as political campaigning in 4 years. And if he loses this, coming back in 4 years would also put him in the position of losing his party the election for 2 elections in a row. He’s got a cult following, sure, but a lot of the rest of the party might not want to go along with trying him yet again after such a thing. The worry for 4 years from now, if Harris can beat him this election, are all the followers of his that have gotten into national politics by being just as or even more crazy as he is.
He’ll just say he didn’t lose.
“If I lose to him [Biden], I don’t know what I’m going to do. I will never speak to you again. You’ll never see me again.” - Donald Trump, September 20th 2020 at a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina
Same empty threat as last time. If he loses and somehow doesn’t manage to get the Supreme Court to overturn the results, he’ll go right back to campaigning for 2028. He’s going to be running for president for the rest of his life.
I really doubt that.
It’s amazing that he has so much support amongst the republicans even now, after he lost the last election.
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And is thrown in jail
I kinda want to see him kark it at one of his rallies. right there up on stage. Strain a little hard taking a shit mid-sentence and then just pop an aneurysm or something
Don’t hope, make it happen! Make sure your friends and family have a plan to vote, and donate/volunteer!
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He said that in 2020. He was supposed to leave America if I remember correctly.
Doesn’t matter what he says, it isn’t like he tells the truth about anything.
The progression of dementia will be why he doesn’t run in 2028.
The progression of dementia is incidentally why he shouldn’t be running in 2024 as well.
Bold of you to assume that his party won’t pick him again in 2028 just because of a little dementia.
That’s because he’ll be in fucking prison for the rest of his miserable life unless he just flees the country to the arms of his Slavic lover.
He also said in August he’ll move to Venezuela if he loses and that migrants were eating pets in Ohio and he never lost the 2020 election, why give any credibility to the things a known liar and fascist says as he attempts to grift and cult his way into a pardon for his criminal behavior?
I don’t think he’s allowed in other countries now except NK and ruzzia. Ukraine would probably also accept his participation as a decoy. Possibly. Mexico has expressed interest based on his girth. With a little exercise, he could be the perfect mule. Or surgery… don’t need this yellow stuff, what’s this other thing? Don’t know, don’t need it…ah great! 40 kilos per trip!
That’s gets a bit racist there towards the end…
I don’t think he will live another 4 years will he?
He looks damn old, you Americans love your old pollies but
Never put it past the worst people and the most unhealthy people to live the damn longest because that’s the universe’s sick humor. Not always, but enough that it gets annoying.
I’m looking at you Henry Kissinger
Pretty sure even Satan didn’t want that heinous war criminal.
Purgatory is OK with me. Or you know just floating in an endless void with complete and utter sensory deprivation. No one to talk to for as long as it takes to drive him insane and then the rest of eternity beyond that.
Yeah, just look how long Betty White lived.
Where the fuck is Will Smith when you need him?
I don’t think he will live another 4 years will he?
He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. He’s got government health care and access to the best doctors. He’s not pulling a Steve Jobs and getting fruit enemas to treat pancreatitis cancer.
Could very easily make it to his late 80s/early 90s.
But he’s also a fat bastard who never exercises. His diet is shit, and yet he might still live for another decade.
He’s been on ozymbic, which is why he looks so deflated of late. May still have another ten years in him on that alone.
But also, you’ve got a guy like Dick Cheney whose heart hasn’t beat in over a decade. Modern medicine can do some crazy shit.
He likes the businessman lifestyle, I guarantee that mine did looooots of coke in the 80s, if not today. That would have a detrimental affect on longterm health.
He literally has to win this race to save him from prison. I don’t think people understand how motivated he is…
He’s not going to prison. He’ll get fined. Those fines will be paid off by his friends. The remaining charges will be dropped. And then he’ll go back to grifting rubes with Trumpy Bears and NFT trading cards, before going back to the political bundler circuit in time for 2026.
I hope you’re wrong, but it’s possible. Dude has so many very serious felony charges still pending against him. We cannot have a functioning justice system in this country if the rules don’t apply to billionaires and popular politicians. I’m going to be contacting my representatives non-stop, assuming Harris wins.
We cannot have a functioning justice system in this country if the rules don’t apply to billionaires and popular politicians.
He’d hardly be the first billionaire/political elite to evade the justice system.
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Trump would get a fine, if he hadn’t violated the judge’s orders and been held in contempt multiple times.
Trump burned through all of his rich white guy privileges with judge Merchan. Delaying the sentencing until after the election was a way to make sure that Trump gets prison time.
See, if the sentencing had been before the election, then the Supreme Court could have held an emergency session to keep him out of prison.
They will not hold an emergency session for a two time loser.
The main worry now is if Trump flees the country.
Im not worried about that, they wont let him, as a former president and current candidate, he has a secret service detail until he gives it up. Given the unique situation he is in, I dont think they would let him do that until everything is resolved.
If this man kept his word he’d have moved to Russia years ago.
I’ll never believe it.
That orange clown won’t stop tying until he’s sucking dirt.
Fucking liar.
or in prison
He will run for president from prison.
He’s literally running for his freedom. If he loses, he could be jailed.
I feel like we heard this same sentiment 4 years ago, and yet here we are.
‘It’s not a lie, if you belive it’. George Costanza
In four years this man is going to be legally braindead one way or another. Either the dementia will get him, or the hamburders will.
I only disagree because he’s never done anything legally before.
I suspect that it’s already beginning to happen to him. Trump’s father had Alzheimer’s, and I’m pretty sure that he’s headed down a similar path.
He’s not going to run because he will spend the rest of his life in prison. And that can’t happen soon enough.