I’ve been stuck in the work, recharge, repeat cycle for about a decade now. I’m looking to get back into hobbies and activities to enjoy my free time and possibly meet other folks.

I’ve heard you should have 3 types of hobbies: something to keep you fit, something to keep you creative, and something that can make some money. I’ve considered gym/triathlon (fitness) and woodworking (creative/income).

What are your hobbies? Anything you recommend I try out?

  • runner_g
    4 months ago

    If you work with your hands, rest with your mind. If you work with your mind, rest with your hands.

    There’s a lot of crossover here but off the top of the dome:

    Hand-based hobbies -playing music -cooking -woodworking -lifting weights, running, climbing -building dioramas/models -art (needle craft, drawing/painting, sculpting) -**casual video games **

    Mind-based hobbies -puzzles -fast paced video games -programming -learn a new language

    Those in bold are what I do. Also starting to learn art. It’s one of the lowest barrier to entry hobbies. All you need is paper and a pencil.