More than 100 Arizona Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and progressive Democrats and community leaders have signed a letter making the case for those reluctant to support Kamala Harris against Donald Trump.

“We know that many in our communities are resistant to vote for Kamala Harris because of the Biden administration’s complicity in the genocide,” the letter, published Thursday night, reads.

“Some of us have lost many family members in Gaza and Lebanon. We respect those who feel they simply can’t vote for a member of the administration that sent the bombs that may have killed their loved ones,” the letter continued. “As we consider the full situation carefully, however, we conclude that voting for Kamala Harris is the best option for the Palestinian cause and all of our communities.”

    5 months ago

    Never said they were the same. Trump is an absolute abomination. He would never get my vote. Keep up. Harris also is not getting my vote. Why? Many reasons but principally how she has treated arabs on the gaza issue. Why? Its the easiest to articulate, its morally unambiguous, and she doesnt need it in my state. This is literally the least i can do for my brothers and sisters in the arab community.

    If harris loses as a result of my actions thats on her. That means she managed to be such a shit candidate that she would have lost nearly 20ish points to 3rd party candidates in my state before there is even a remote risk of trump winning.

    Maybe now you can drop the lesser evil nonsense and figure your shit out and demand better from your politicians.

    Smile you never had a dunce professor? Man you’re either really low on the scale or really lucky. The real issue is game theory is often misunderstood and applied poorly. The entire pillar of the argument of fptp voting strategy of lesser evils is a demonstration of this. It completely ignores the interplay between being able to vote for different sets of individuals in the different branches of government, voting patterns of each state etc. leading to suboptimal outcomes. The best outcome this election is harris squeeks by with a win and is highly susceptible to influence from the various factions in the dem party as a result, along with a sweep of both houses for dems. This will simultaneously hurt Israel’s influence with the rest of congress. Making them more likely to be ignored.

    And imagine all you had to do was lie to pollsters, talk to your friends, and maybe fill in an a single different oval come election day depending on the state you’re in like i did and down ballot hit up the dems as insurance against trump. But instead you’ve chosen to support a genocide, and ridicule people for being good people who dont want to vote for a genocide instead of giving them an alternative approach. Thats cool i guess.