Meme: Screenshot of microblog post by @alanjack replying to @fotchi.
Caption: I still don’t know why part of autistic/adhd diagnosis isn’t putting you in a room with someone already diagnosed and seeing how quickly you bond.
Meme: Screenshot of microblog post by @alanjack replying to @fotchi.
Caption: I still don’t know why part of autistic/adhd diagnosis isn’t putting you in a room with someone already diagnosed and seeing how quickly you bond.
To be double sure, do the test once, then separate the people for three months, then reintroduce them and see if they just resume their conversation.
“As i was saying before i was so rudely interrupted 14 years ago…”
(totally irrelevant but thats freaking great)
…this got so personal so quickly.
That describes every lasting relationship of my life starting with my best friend from first grade and ending with my best friend from the Navy. I think I’ve only had a single conversation with my best friend from first grade. It’s not finished until one of us dies.
So any normal male friendship?
I have a girlfriend who I reconnect perfectly with and we rarely speak more than once a year but it’s always awesome.