Hey, was wondering if anybody might have any tips for me! I’ve been using a Worksharp Knife & Tool Sharpener MK2, and have this weird issue where my knives are coming out sharper on one side than the other.

I know that shouldn’t really make any sense, but I’ve got a knife right now that I have no problem shaving hairs off my arm with, but only with one side. If I flip it over, no matter what angle I approach with, I can’t knock away a single hair. The bevel is also significantly wider on one side, which I also can’t figure out how to correct but I’m sure is related.

I can’t tell if this has anything to do with the fact that the belt rubs against the steel in different directions when sharpening each side (up and into the blade on the left side, down and away from the blade on the right), or if perhaps this might be an error in technique on my part. As far as I can tell, I’m keeping the blade in line with the guides properly and not deviating significantly.

For what it’s worth, I’m working with a hawkbill blade. Meaning that I have to lower the knife as I draw it through the sharpener, to keep contact with the belt. I know this allows for a lot of room for error; I’ve been making an effort to ensure that I’m keeping the alignment correct the whole time, but it’s wholly possible that this may be where I’m messing something up.

Any ideas if I might be doing something wrong or something I could try to get a more even edge on both sides?