Description: A single picture from a manga. Two women sit next to each other.
One of them, in sexy clothing, says: “I like girls too. I feel like wanting to keep them as pets.”
The other one, modestly dressed, responds: “Eh!?”
I’m already partially housetrained
sounds good to us
whispering: no way, pup/pup’s pronouns!?
That’s so cool, I didn’t know you could even have these!!!
(where did you get them from?)
uhhmm >~< u cn jus, add dem to ur name!!! like any other pronouns on lemmy
i’ve never heard of these ones before and i wanted to point out how much i like them. <3
just… just know that i think you’re cool, ok?
fank chu >//////<
one of them, in sexy clothing
very sexy, watch out!
Also, yes please obv
What manga is this from?
Girls, women even! :3 ahdkdkdkleynbdkdöforjbrndkdkdnnfkrnrbfb I rest my case