Don’t forget the housing crisis!
But landlords are making record profits!
When the rich are in crisis, the government bails them out.
When we’re in crisis, we’re supposed to stop eating avocado toast…
A tale as old as time, annoyingly.
See plebs vs patricians literal thousands of years ago :(
Yeah, they can rip my avocados out from my cold dead hands.
Here’s the meme again without the bs on all sides
The crisis is that us plebs are speaking out and complaining about the gruel we’re not getting.
We are currently experiencing a capitalism crisis.
There too much of it and it’s fucking shit up.
Nowadays, a relevant part of the post-war and grandchildren’s generation is forcefully advocating the continued existence of precisely this capitalism. They believe that its “value-based liberalism” gives them the moral legitimacy to sweep away competing capitalisms because their competitors are not “liberal” but “authoritarian.” As if they were not subject to the same laws of the marketplace. The bottom line is that the “liberality” of the West lies only in the granting of no-cost freedoms, which are valid as long as one premise always remains untouched: submission to the principle of the exploitation of man and nature.
- K.-H. Dellwo
I think it’s a money crisis.
The message was too good for the image to also be of high quality.
Pixels? In this economy?
We are in a pixel crisis but pixel companies are making record profits.
When companies are in crisis there is always a bailout.
The normal man is just suppose to die for the corporate overlord rather than get help.It seems to me that its the profits that cause the crisis
No ones in crisis. The media gets people all wound up over nothing
It’s not nothing. It’s so you think it’s ok that they’re stealing your wages, and ruining the world. The media is part of the crisis.