What kills me a little is when someone has to come up with some nebulous acronym that we’re all supposed to know but no one ever defines it at the beginning of the document. In EEG we like to change the name of what are now known as lateralized periodic discharges. I have a document with about 25 different terms that all describe different terminology that’s been used to describe that EEG finding.
See how desensitized I am to that, electroencephalography. Electro- electronic, encephalo- head, graph- record, electronic head record, those wavy lines from the brain.
What kills me a little is when someone has to come up with some nebulous acronym that we’re all supposed to know but no one ever defines it at the beginning of the document. In EEG we like to change the name of what are now known as lateralized periodic discharges. I have a document with about 25 different terms that all describe different terminology that’s been used to describe that EEG finding.
Meanwhile I’m in here thinking, I wonder what EEG means?
I’m not sure but I think that comment might be clever satire
See how desensitized I am to that, electroencephalography. Electro- electronic, encephalo- head, graph- record, electronic head record, those wavy lines from the brain.
Haha, I was way off, the jargon made me think it was like Electrical EnGineering or something
It’s funny how we just get used to the acronyms. Every industry has them, some of them even overlap
hehehe, CBT
in psychology - Cognitve Behavioural Therapy. In bdsm - Cock and Ball Torture
Reasonably obligatory xkcd?
It’s when you put electrodes on someone’s head and measure the electricity on the surface of their brain.