Well shit… I thought the last panel would be him standing there with a boner, given that it’s C&H.
I also missed the comic title at first
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I am just some random on the internet and i know life is fucking hard and a lot of shit is very depressing. But please don’t hurt yourself. (I know it sounds like a stereotype internet stranger cliche but i do mean it) There are ALWAYS good things coming. Even if its only every now and then. Even if its just some meme that makes you laugh or a movie coming out that you want to see.
I suffer a lot from depression too. Sometimes i can go months feeling miserable. But then eventually something fun happens. And it ALWAYS ends up being worth it. I just pile all my future fun things up in my head. For me its a bunch of horror movies coming out like Terrifier 3 and the new Creep series. I try to remember all those things i am looking forward to.
Who knows what amazing thing will happen to you in the future. And you don’t want to miss out on that. You can only live and die once.
I know its maybe a bit cheesy but i heard a character say in a game i am currently playing and i thought it was really good.
“Death can have me when it earns me.”
You better still be posting comments in the future ❤️
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Agree with everything here. Something people don’t really understand is when you’re at that point of depression, suicide doesn’t seem like a big deal anymore. It’s like, how much thought or importance do you put on choosing what color shirt you wear for the day? You don’t spend hours agonizing over it or thinking about it, you just wake up and look in your dresser and are like “well I guess it’s red today” and it’s the same for “well I guess it’s suicide today”. I’ve been there an uncomfortable amount of time. It’s a very scary place to be. You have to really actively fight against it.
And when you no longer enjoy anything, you can’t dive into something to distract yourself. When your personal connections no longer matter you can’t go to anyone to feel warm and fuzzy inside. You’re just alone and lost in the darkness. What has helped me when I’ve been in that spot is to find and reach out to other people who’ve been in the same spot and understand. The feeling and the whole experience is so hard to put into words to people who haven’t been through it.
At least for me, personally. I found comfort in people who were going through similar or have been through similar in the past and could ACTUALLY understand. But you do need to find some kind of anchor to keep you here, whatever that may be. It’s hard. It’s probably one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. But I promise it’s worth it. If anyone out there needs someone like that to talk to my inbox is open.
is mr. happiness okay
Depressing Comic Week just hits different. The name suits it well.
What about cyanide?
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This guy cyanides
with a hint of happiness
Literally a whole song about this. You likely know the tune from MASH.
First time I watched the movie I was shocked there were lyrics.
IIRC, written by a sixteen year old
I heavily contemplated got to planning suicide 10 years ago, and did so again roughly a year ago. Ten years ago i was a coward, and last year I called a friend while at the bottom of the pit, and he helped me get out.
This comic hit me like a truck, holy fucking shit. I think I never fully processed those emotions, but man, I remember that pain now, it feels so raw.
I’ve recovered now, but this comic reminds me of rock bottom. 11/10 depressing comic, this ruined my morning.
I can tell you that while passing out doesn’t feel bad, surviving and coming back is still one of the most brutal things I ever experienced. So proceed with caution, sometimes you can plan as carefully as you can, it may still go sideways
If its anything like fainting (I have a bit of a history of fainting in medical settings) the going is very unpleasant and the coming back is far worse for the first 10 minutes or so while the body to normalizes again.
Most recently I happened to have my daughter with me while at a checkup which included a fasting blood glucose test. The nurse collected my blood and hurried off to process it and I started hearing and seeing static. When I realized it was not getting better I told her “go find someone and tell them daddy doesn’t feel good” and hearing the door followed by her saying “daddy doesn’t feel good” while my vision and hearing faded into pure static and pins and needles was surreal and honestly the kind of thing nightmares are made from