• Saleh@feddit.org
      8 hours ago

      If the only tool you have is a hammer…

      It shows what a failed kind of people they are, both intellectually and ethically, if the only language they speak is violence.

      Going into a war with Iran will set the entire region ablaze. The only thing the Iraq war did, was increasing influence for Iran. The only thing the Afghanistan war did, was a 20 year sabbatical for the Taliban.

      The US surely can destroy major Iranian infrastructure like oil production and probably cripple its conventional military capabilities. But then what?

      In the process Iran would destroy the oil production of US allied nations.
      We would see years if not decades of Iraq style insurgencies.
      Tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of people would become refugees, with the pressure on Europe easily having the potential to break the Union and turn the states into full blown fascist hellholes. Russia would use the distraction and the high oil price income to deliver the final blow to Ukraine.
      China could feel emboldened or threatened to push for its military ambitions in the South China sea and Taiwan.
      Justified hatred for the US in all of the Middle East would be ensured for another three generations to come.
      The resulting global economic crisis would plunge large swaths of Americans and Europeans into poverty (and many more people around the world, that the West doesn’t care for unfortunately).

      Meanwhile i don’t see anything positive coming out of it. I don’t see how it would stabilize the region in the long run, help economic development or create conditions under which better diplomatic ties grow.