I wholeheartedly disagree. Downvotes are my favorite part of this kind of comment system. I know that, per the rules, “downvotes aren’t for disagreement”, but most people don’t respect that and I think it’s asinine. Both kinds of votes are a valuable way of contributing to a discussion without having to spend the time and effort to write a comment.
I agree with your sentiment, that’s what they should be, but time and time again we saw that it is not how they are used, downvotes mostly serve to mark disagreement , doesn’t matter that you provide interesting discussion, if people disagree then the comment gets downvotes to oblivion. And the platform turns into an echo chamber where only one opinion can ever exist.
I wholeheartedly disagree. Downvotes are my favorite part of this kind of comment system. I know that, per the rules, “downvotes aren’t for disagreement”, but most people don’t respect that and I think it’s asinine. Both kinds of votes are a valuable way of contributing to a discussion without having to spend the time and effort to write a comment.
I agree with your sentiment, that’s what they should be, but time and time again we saw that it is not how they are used, downvotes mostly serve to mark disagreement , doesn’t matter that you provide interesting discussion, if people disagree then the comment gets downvotes to oblivion. And the platform turns into an echo chamber where only one opinion can ever exist.