Archived version

Immigrants are no longer welcome in Donald Trump’s America. Instead, the Republican presidential nominee posited that under his potential second administration, he would round up and mass-deport noncitizens based on their “serial numbers.”

Speaking with Full Measure’s Sharyl Attkisson, Trump argued that the United States—which was founded by and has historically been a nation of immigrants—shouldn’t be a “dumping ground” for newcomers.


Attkisson then asked Trump how he even intends to carry out mass deportations. “A lot of the millions of people have had children who are American citizens, and don’t you think the first time there is an image on television of a family tearfully being told to board a bus that that whole program would end?” she asked.

Trump agreed and offered a solution: less media coverage.

“That’s right,” he said. “If you take a young woman with two beautiful children, and you put her on a bus, and it ends up on the front page of every newspaper. It makes it a lot harder."


    2 days ago

    Never gonna happen… Literally large part of his donor base exploits these people for labour.

    People are so naive to believe this shit, it is comical…

    Right cheers

    Left cries

    Nothing happens


      1 day ago

      “Roe v. Wade is settled law. They just use the issue to rile up their base. They’d never overturn it!” and other lies we tell ourselves…

        1 day ago

        Note that politicians didn’t enact or overturn it…

        It was done via the court.

        Also, smart reason why it was overturned is the same reason migraiton will continue to accelerate.

        The regime is lacking the slave labour to sustain growth, they are tapping every source for new slaves including unwanted children

        If society looked at things how they actually work, instead of brain dead American. Politics maybe we could do something about it

        But nah fuck that, vote for my guy… Trust me bro

          1 day ago

          Pretty naive take to pretend like the court is independent of politics, especially these days. “It wasn’t the politicians that did that, it was the people the politicians chose who voted down political lines”.

          You’re proposing that migration will continue to escalate because their labor needs to be leveraged.

          Trump is saying he’ll deport immigrants that they know everything about.

          The two are easy to reconcile -it’ll be typical Republican theater of making illegal immigrants lives miserable while paying them under the table to take advantage of their labor.

            1 day ago

            That’s just how things work around this here country… Democrats haven’t saved anyone yet either…

              1 day ago

              Trump’s quote captures a sentiment that you’d be disingenuous to equate to policies of democrats, but that’s just my 2 cents and I’m sure you feel differently.

    • Whether they actually intend to do so or not, them just straight up saying that they’re taking pages out of the book of Nazi Fucking Germany should be a massive cause for alarm. Like countless other statements from him, this should have been disqualifing and it’s incredibly disturbing how many people still support this fascist.

        2 days ago

        Bruhh… He promised the same last time… Immigration stayed at the same rate until covid hit them it spiked BC rich daddies got scared wage slaves will also for more wages 🤡

        Y’all larping politics too much, just look at what these clowns do.

        • It’s pretty damn naive to think that a second Trump presidency would be identical to his first. Trump may be a moron, but even he can learn. Members of his last administration managed to keep his worst instincts in check. It’ll just be syncophants this time around. Plus, the man is enraged by his court cases and is the middle of a massive cognitive decline that dwarfed that of Biden. This is not a reasonable or rational man. Putting Donald Trump in charge now is quite frankly suicidal.

          I mean, you can ignore the throngs of people waving “Mass Deportation Now” signs if you want. You can think to yourself, “It won’t be that bad”. People hold foolish opinions all the time. No matter what you think, though, rhetoric matters. Donald Trump is legitimizing this fascist shit to millions of people. Maybe Trump won’t do it. Maybe the next guy will instead. But the fact that we haven’t truly put a stop to this is an indictment of the American people. This is evil.

          And, tbh, I’m not sure he’ll even listen to the rich that much, anyway. He’ll ram through his stupid tariffs and he’ll attempt the deportations.