I looked all over for a date and got everything from “early 1800s” to “late 1800s” but nothing exact, so I had to make an educated guess. The first cameras practical enough to take such a photo were developed around 1840 and the excavations began in 1867.
Is it just a fabrication that Germans in WWII shot off the nose, then? Because it looks as if it’s already missing the nose here.
As far as I know, that is a myth. It fell off in antiquity.
Allegedly, it happened around 50 B.C.
Crazy that we’re closer to Asterix’s time than they were to when the Sphinx was built.
Yes, the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx emanate the aura of eternity.
Cocaine or a Michael Jackson thing?
It’s true. Hitler wanted to move the Sphinx to his base on the other side of the moon. Of course, moving the whole thing would be too difficult, so they only took the nose.
Just in case, though, I’ll clarify: what I’d heard was that, when the German army was in Egypt in WWII, some German soldiers used the nose for target practice and pulverized it. No aliens required.
Edit: I’m remembering the story wrong: the target practice thing is attributed to Napoleon’s troops using the nose as target practice for cannon. It’d unsubstantiated in either case; it turns out no one alive really knows.
Strangely the recent documentation doesn’t mention that.
I hate to break it to you, but this information is heavily outdated.
The Germans never got even close to where the sphinx is located in WW2. The Allied stopped the Axis advance in North Africa hundreds of kilometres west of there.
It looks like a monkey face in these two.